M3=First Reported Kill


Mar 4, 2002
With the alky tuned just right and the car running strong I got my first official kill, I don't include red light wars, I always win that battle. Anyway I'm getting on Route 80 off 46 (nice striaght run) I see a BMW comming on hard and fast (80 to 100mph is my guess) so I do what I always do, I get out of the fast lane and let em go by, wimpy I know, but usually I'm with my wife or theres to much traffic to play. I spot the M3 tag in his rear, but this time he slows down real quick and waits for me, no wife, no traffic, so I lull him into a 30 mph roll then we both hit it hard. Good bye M3. The entire run I had him in my rear view by at least 2 car lengths. I acutally hit 20lbs of boost and had no knock at all. This lasted untill I got nervous (about half a minute). Then the front end started feeling a little loose. I slowed down he blew bye and I stll can't get the smile off my face as I type this kill. I don't know what impressed me more, the M3 kill or the lack of knock. 22-25lbs of boost here we come. Got GN?:D :D :D :D