Monthly meeting @ Towers-9/26.


Staff member
Aug 20, 2001
Title says it all. The monthly meeting @ tower shops is this Friday. Lets have a good turn-out again. I will be out there around 4 pm (give or take) to reserve spots. Hope to see everyone out there!:)

were is the towers . im here from new jersey visiting my family and would like to see some buicks and meet you guys. im in deerfield.:D
Originally posted by turbot2112
were is the towers . im here from new jersey visiting my family and would like to see some buicks and meet you guys. im in deerfield.:D

Tower shops is off of 595 and University Drive. The show starts about 6 pm and ends around 10 pm. We meet towards the back of the car show.:)
Originally posted by turbot2112
were is the towers . im here from new jersey visiting my family and would like to see some buicks and meet you guys. im in deerfield.:D

i am heading down there between 4 and 4:30, so if you want to follow me down there, let me know, shoot me a PM and we can talk about a place to meet up

do you want me bring my digi camera on friday? get some newer pictures? and when you open up the 'calander' page it opens up another row of frames...

just trying to help...

New pics would be great.

I know about the calendar page, thanks.

What is up with the snail mail newsletter?
Originally posted by jsta6
What is up with the snail mail newsletter?

i was a little tight on avaible funds, and it gets kinda expensive sending out these letters... i think its cost me about 50 bucks so far? may not sound like much, but when i dont know if people are getting or wanting it, it seems kinda pointless to me...


He should have some money from the sticker sales.

Well, lets definately find out who does NOT want the letter, and we won't mail it to them.
Snail mail..

I have 30 bucks from the sticker sales, I can give ya neil. I will bring it with me for the towers meeting this friday. We will have to discuss the importance of the snail mail at the meeting also.

Re: Snail mail..

Originally posted by blackshoebox
I have 30 bucks from the sticker sales, I can give ya neil. I will bring it with me for the towers meeting this friday. We will have to discuss the importance of the snail mail at the meeting also.


that 30 bucks already coverd the cost of the stickers right? because if it didnt then take out what the stickers cost first, and then we can find another way to fund the newsletters

Akkk.... scratch that. Can't make it. Friday = Rosh Hashanah
Sorry - gonna be back in Ft Myers snook fishing.

I DO NOT need a letter if that helps.

Meeting is still on. Weather has cleared and appears like it may hold off for most the night. Hope to see everyone there.

Originally posted by jsta6
Have a good time.

I will be at the Marlins game.


The meeting was pretty good tonight (about 10-12 cars showed up)......... I got to meet turbot2112 from NJ (very cool guy and if you're reading this it was nice to meet you):) :cool:, but I wish I would have washed my car and brought it (I got spooked by the weather as I'm sure several others did as well)......

Damn those weather reports!:( :mad:
Have a good time.
I will be at the Marlins game.

The fish clinched the wild card and my son and his friend got to meet ALL the players after the game!

Bad news was only one of them (Mordecai) signed his autograph.

How ghay is that? Panthers players used to sign autographs for 1/2 an hour...