Mouse control, Irish spring or peppermint oil?


1986 Grand National
May 28, 2001
Happy New Year All!

Well, I started the GN Last week and I seen a little varmint run from the fender well. So today, I move the car to a different parking spot and hosed off the little poop & nut’s under the hood.

Now I live in an old house (Jim S. as seen it). And we use to get mice all the time. (Even back when my grandparents owned it, kinda cool I own a house my grandfather and Great-grandfather built) I used 30 + cans of great stuff filling all the cracks I could find in the field stone fountain, small gaps between the foundation and the sill. And I was still getting them (Not has bad, but every once in a while). So I heard of Peppermint oil. Praise to the lord Jesus Christ it is working! (The reason I say that is because the muticatch traps are empty and there is cob web’s growing over the Decon bait, and we have not heard or seen any evidence of any) The only issue is I have to “recharge” the little scent packs every week. (I used old socks rolled up tight, stuffed inside old panty hose sections) They are about 4” - 6” long and hold the sent for a week or two. So I recharge them with peppermint oil (pure peppermint mixed with tap water, about 8 parts water to 1 part peppermint oil).

So my question should I use the peppermint oil in the car also? I heard some people using Irish spring soap.

What are your opinion’s?
my friend has the irish spring in his wharehouse every 5 feet surrounding the space.
mothballs work too i know a few farmers that put it all over in there equipment over the winter to keep mice out and it works really good
moth ballssssss

mothballs work too i know a few farmers that put it all over in there equipment over the winter to keep mice out and it works really good

they work for a lonnnnnnggg time for at least the winter..
when we store or pool cover which is a big nylon tarp that sits under our deck all summer rolled up within 6ft of the woods and no mice, snakes, or SPIDERS:tongue:
Sent an answer on the other board. Dreaming Earth Botanicals have the spearment and peppermint oil and it works. Found out that red wine vinegar mixed 50% with water works good too. Spray it around the outside of your car. Moth balls didn't do me any good.
Sent an answer on the other board. Dreaming Earth Botanicals have the spearment and peppermint oil and it works. Found out that red wine vinegar mixed 50% with water works good too. Spray it around the outside of your car. Moth balls didn't do me any good.

Thank you,

I found in the house that the Irish Spring did not work as well as the Peppermint oil. But I was not placing the soap every 5'. To even out the smell.

Right now the car smells like a peppermint stick :eek:
Irish spring doesn't work.

Tried the Irish spring last winter. put it in and around the car. The mice ate it.

I now use the sonic mouse deterants. The ones you plug into the wall, only I use an extention cord and place it in the car. No mice so far!
I have two electronic ones one on each side of the front part of the garage.
Plus I have no pets in the garage so I also use DeCon.
And just to see if their around I put out traps with peanut butter.
If the peanut butter is gone you still got them
No Mice so far:cool:
hmm...Weird. I haven't seen any mice in my house or garage. Must be lucky I guess. Snakes on the other hand, I haven't ever got any in the garage (that I'm aware of) but I got a few babies in the house a few years ago. I live in what used to be woods and lakebed and on top of it there's a river nearby, so you could imagine the snakes I get in the yard from spring till the middle of summer, its nuts. BEER AND A SHOVEL go hand in hand! My suggestion, get it as dark as possible in the house and garage and spray every spot you see light with a can of Great Stuff foam from wally world. THen get a kitty;). They will catch both snakes and mice, spiders and crickets too. Even when they're front claws are gone they can still catch anything. Mines got a couple extra toes though...
Since I started using the electronic method the baited traps that used to catch mice sit empty. I ran an extension cord and put the unit under the car. No more mice.
I have the plug in electric ones in my garage, I still get occasional mice eating from the Decon, no signs of them in the car yet.
This string is making me depressed.
I couldn't imagine having to protect my car from meese during the winter.

Move to Southern Cali you guys!!!!
I drive my 87 GN and my 68 Camaro all week long (except when it rains), and aint never had to soap them up, plug 'em in, or make them smell like a peppermint stick to keep the varments away!:biggrin:

With that said, I have had an encounter with a rat while I was working on my 68 Camaro once. I was all alone on my garage floor one night, bolting in my new Moser 12 bolt, when I saw something in the corner of my eye. I looked over, and this big ol' rat was a couple feet away just staring at me.

I found out what works on rats that night.....a tire iron :cool: ....while I laid there on my back under the car, I reached over and picked up the tire iron, WHACKED him right on the mellon and he was done. Put the tire iron down and went back to work. Picked him up later...his head was a perfect U shape from the radius of the tire iron. :p

I use these. Just say the word "mouse" and it's over. This dog is a heat seeking missle, and will find any mouse within a 100 foot grid. All ya gotta do is say the word, and let er go. The mice dont mess around now. And thats a fact. No lie. Ask my girlfriend. Her name's Sissy, and shes an APBT. And as sharp as a razor too.
AA++ for fabric softener dryer sheets. Moth balls work well enough but that smell stayed in the car way to long. A box is around $2 and I distribute all the sheets around,trunk,front and back seats, especially under the hood.

2 male black cats, one is ferrelle. 3rd cat is female. Best combo for varmit and pest control. I havent seen any squirrles,chipmunks,birds, snakes around either. I wonder where they all went :D