My back is killing me!!!!! until i went to the Dr.


wana steal it? meet mr9mm
Staff member
Nov 24, 2001
Ive worked 6 days a week for 5 months damn near, and now my back is out.
As my luck would have it, ive got 9 FULL DAYS OFF and had major plans on getting the garage setup the way i want it, work on my girdled engine, fix a trans or two.....

I felt my back snap like a rubber band sitting in a chair picking thru a box full of TR parts:confused: :eek:

Couldnt standup,twist, bend down to get another BUSCH LIGHT out of the beer fridge, i was in some serious pain!!!

Im 29 and never in my life been to the Chiropractors office, until 1 hour ago:eek: HOLY MOSES!!!
He must have popped my spine 30 times and it popped so easily and made so much noise I WAS LAUGHING SO MUCH I MADE HIM CRACK UP AND START LAUGHING TOO!

My lord my back feels 110% better.
My spine has hurt for over 3 years between the shoulder blades every morning when i wake up, so i mentioned that hurt too.
He cracked my neck, my back, i couldnt believe how much it popped!
He told me to take it easy for 6 weeks, and i will, but i went from not being able to get out of bed this morning, hobbling into his office, to WALKING out of the office and 50% less pain immediately!
It feels so great i had to share with everyone.

The best part about this Dr. is that he said i should be good to go and most likely didnt need to come back for another adjustment!


Originally posted by Quick6'n'-K.C.
Im 29 and never in my life been to the Chiropractors office, until 1 hour ago:eek:

Not to rain on your parade, but, I've known alot of guys that have hurt their backs, and often from the first major injury to doing it again is just a matter of time. Respect you back, and remember it's not as good as new. While the Dr got it realigned this time, there can very come a time, when you'll be making payments on his Mercedes for a couple months. Once you jar/squeeze/twist/fold, mutalate a disc in your back, it can be painful for years, and some surgeries to fix damaged discs leave the patient in even more pain.
People tend to cut on the chiro's, but I've had pretty good luck. I was on serious pain medicine for almost 10 years for my back, and then got in a car accident. Decided to go to the chiro since I could barely move, it was also the lawyers suggestion (imagine that ;) anyway, I rarely have lower back pain now. I'd say that they took away 90% of my problem. Something normal doctors couldn't do after 10 years of seeing them.
Actually he drives a ford F-150 pickup LOL- no mercedes!

i deal with pain everyday of my life, knee for 8 months, tore it up real bad. spine problems, and now my lower back-
IF i had been to that DR about my spine 3 years ago, i may have been in a better mood since then. sure did learn alot about GALLBLADDER disease in the mean time.

only cost me 30.00 for the back breakin

Mine worked wonders on my back when it popped back in August. Had to go to her for a while though before I felt 100%. Didn't hurt that she is a real hottie too.

Worked a 20 hour day at the regular day job last week and my back is hurting again. Haven't been to her for about a month now but will probably be seeing her again soon. That's good AND bad I guess.
If you think a Chiropractor does wonders, you should try accupuncture. I used to visit the bone cracker 3 times a week for neck and back pain do to injuries from my younger and dumber Anyway I decided to try the accupuncturist on a whim and guess what? Took about a half dozen visits but I haven't been back to the chiropractor in over 1 1/2 years. I was very skeptical but I'm a real believer now....There's something to the ancient art of Chinese medicine.
Looks like you got an honest CHIRO QUAKER..

My guy (that I don't go to anymore) had you come back many times.
One time he asked me how my back felt. It hurts I said & It really was OK. Telling me he agrees that it was all out. That is when I caught him as a cheater.

Ain't giving him my hard earn cash anymore..

Now I just have my 3 or 6 year old walk on my back free. Works just as good.
Accupuncture here runs $34.00 per visit. As far as what it feels like, thats a tough one. I think it feels like a light tickle whenever the needles are inserted. Others may think differently. The best advice I can give is try it out once...The first visit always makes the largest impact on the problem area.
I have a co-worker who has a daughter with Down Syndrome. She has alot of health problems. I recommended the accupunturist to him as an alternative. He was skeptical and a little bit uneasy about trying to treat his 9 year old daughter. He was amazed that she not only enjoyed the treatments, but suffered no discomfort. The frequency and severity of her problems have dropped significantly since she started seeing the accupunturist.

Jeff H.
Chiros fixed me back in 1992. My lower back/spine/pelvis would ache. Went 3 times and I've never returned though I have zigged when I should have zagged a coupla times and had to sleep on a heating pad. But he did align everything and it worked!
Talk to ...

lburou one of our members. He has had the most of all of us. You all know of my bad back. l5 is the one . Anyway he has the most insight in this back matter. He helped me in my time of woe. Here is his email or catch him on the board.

Re: Talk to ...

Originally posted by WE4
lburou one of our members. He has had the most of all of us. You all know of my bad back. l5 is the one . Anyway he has the most insight in this back matter. He helped me in my time of woe. Here is his email or catch him on the board.


Thanks Bruce for the high recommendation :)


If you want to chat a bit about back maintenance, PM me with your contact information and I'll call you the same evening (when my cell minutes are cheap).

I was a helicopter pilot in the Viet Nam era....We ALL have bad backs. First hospitalized for back pain in 1973, I've learned what works for me. Happy to share what i've learned after 30+ years of back pain.

I've tried Orthopedists, Chiropractors, Acupuncture (from a real Chinese doctor while stationed in Korea), pain killers, muscle relaxors, Doctor's of Osteopathy and Physical Therapists. Been there and done all that many times.

The specialist who did the most good for me is the fifteenth Physical Therapist I tried. She diagnosed the causes of my pain in two minutes and had me stretching the right muscles to get rid of the muscle spasms (the usual cause of the pain).

Stay away from back surgery if you can. Learn about the structure of the bones and muscles in your back. The more you know, the more you can manipulate their health and function on your own. A physical therapist, or a Doctor of Osteopathy (DO in the yellow pages) are focused more on getting you up and on your own more than some specialists.

Your Chiropractor is one of the good ones if he didn't schedule five return visits right off the bat :)

A good Physical Therapist will educate you on your individual malady and how to stretch to avoid this spasm in your back in the future.

Send your contact info if you want to chat about things....I don't charge anything for my consultations ;)

Best Regards,

my back is feeling much much better today, ive got this entire week off, just kicking back and relaxing- pain is minimal, down to a 1 out of 10!

Dr wrote down that L4/L5/S1 is where my back was misaligned-
He is the same Dr that my dad goes to, sure did me up pretty good for 30.00

i think i can turn it into my insurance?

Lee, ill send you my info here today! THANKS!

Glad it worked out for you and that you're feeling better.

I used to play hockey 8 nights a week, and knew many guys with back problems from nasty checks, or just repeated strain (including myself). Many of us have had really good luck with Pilates style exercises that strengthen your abs and diaphragm, taking a lot of the work away from your back muscles. The surprising thing about that is that 6 guys on my team were MD's. One of them was the one who put together a custom stretch/exercise routine that really helped many of us. I can't really describe it too well, but if you get a book and try a bunch of stuff you might find some that work for you. I would just stay away from the methods that resemble yoga - you don't need to do any weird stretches, just normal stuff.

Oh and about the knee... I had gone to a trainer a D.O. about a knee injury years and years ago. As I type this I now have a massive knee brace on and staples down my leg after major reconstructive surgery to replace the shredded ACL/LCL and meniscus that would have been fixed years ago if I had gone to the proper doctor to get an MRI instead of believing people could sense what was inside of my knee with chi or something. Something maybe to think about with back injuries as well ...
Originally posted by GeneralB44
Pilates Ball....and,

(See)....The proper doctor to get an MRI instead of believing people could sense what was inside of my knee with chi or something. Something maybe to think about with back injuries as well ...

Uncommonly GOOD advice :cool:
Read this book.

Healing Back Pain by John Sarno

It will tell you why you have chronic back pain and fix the problem.

I have used this book and I have given it to numerous people after having had my father give it to me. My father had back spasms that would incapacitate him, once he read this book those went away. Same with both of my aunts. I gave the book to a friend of mine in her mid twenties whose back would go out on her regularly and leave her laid out for days. No pain anymore.

Hell, I even gave the link to a guy on the BMW message board I go to after he posted a thread about driving giving him back pain. He posted after getting and reading the book that his back pain had gone away.

It sound crazy, but it has nothing to do with Chi or praying or any other mysticism. It's all based on logic and the way the mind works.

It's about $12-15 shipped. A heck of a lot less trouble than a back operation.

Let me also say that Sarno does advise you to visit a doctor if you haven't already to make sure the pain isn't caused by something like cancer or another serious problem. This book is really to help those people who are being treated for the symptom (pain) rather than the actual problem (the cause of the pain). The surprising part, that is better explained by the book, is what the actual cause of the pain is.
Originally posted by Data

It sound crazy, but it has nothing to do with Chi or praying or any other mysticism. It's all based on logic and the way the mind works.

thanks for the advise, i will go check it out.

so your saying that when i was bending over sifting thru a box of parts and actually felt and heard my back snap, that my minds is wrong and there is no pain? LOL

i have to read the book now.

I went through similar problems. I first hurt my back around Thanksgiving 1996. Was out of work for awhile since I couldnt walk. Went to a chiropractor and 2 doctors. I was given a back brace that didnt help. What helped me was staying off my feet for awhile. I didnt have ANY problems until the summer of 2002. Out of the blue the pain was back with a vengence. I went to the chiropractor for 6 months and didnt get any relief. I ended up just biting the bullet and dealing with it. It got to the point where I couldnt take it anymore. I found a local orthopedist who ordered an MRI. He was the first one to actually SHOW me what was wrong. He recommended not doing surgury or the epidurals that some people recommend. Mine was also at L5. He recommended just taking it easy. This meant no more trying to lift transmissions and other heavy things by myself. I know my limits and I know now that anytime I over work myself I will pay dearly for it.
Originally posted by Quick6'n'-K.C.
thanks for the advise, i will go check it out.

so your saying that when i was bending over sifting thru a box of parts and actually felt and heard my back snap, that my minds is wrong and there is no pain? LOL

Nope, that's not what I said at all, not even close. I never once said your pain wasn't really there or that it was all in your head. I'm not trying to sell you anything here. I could care less if you read the book, really. I just hate to see people do things to rid themselves of back pain that don't really solve the problem.

BTW, did you go the real doctor before going to the chiropractor?