My back is killing me!!!!! until i went to the Dr.

Originally posted by GNVAIR
I went through similar problems. I first hurt my back around Thanksgiving 1996. Was out of work for awhile since I couldnt walk. Went to a chiropractor and 2 doctors. I was given a back brace that didnt help. What helped me was staying off my feet for awhile. I didnt have ANY problems until the summer of 2002. Out of the blue the pain was back with a vengence. I went to the chiropractor for 6 months and didnt get any relief. I ended up just biting the bullet and dealing with it. It got to the point where I couldnt take it anymore. I found a local orthopedist who ordered an MRI. He was the first one to actually SHOW me what was wrong. He recommended not doing surgury or the epidurals that some people recommend. Mine was also at L5. He recommended just taking it easy. This meant no more trying to lift transmissions and other heavy things by myself. I know my limits and I know now that anytime I over work myself I will pay dearly for it.

You really need to try reading the book I linked. You are a classic example of the problem illustrated in the book.
Data, i wasnt being rude, i just didnt understand what you had written. sorry man.

i did not go to a real Dr-
after having a knee injury since april 8th this year and dealing with those idiots i wanted to see what my fathers back breaker could do for me.
when i injured my knee, i was climbing a machine 75 times a day and messed it up to the point that i still have pain from it daily.

They did a MRI on my knee and told me that there isnt anything that they could tell what my problem is. it still pops everyday, and i think if i had recieved the correct treatment for it DAY ONE, then maybe i wouldnt still suffer from it. The work comp Dr didnt take x-rays or a MRI till 3 weeks after the injury.

my back is tight, but at least the pain is down to a minimum.

thanks for the help
Originally posted by Quick6'n'-K.C.
Data, i wasnt being rude, i just didnt understand what you had written. sorry man.

i did not go to a real Dr-
after having a knee injury since april 8th this year and dealing with those idiots i wanted to see what my fathers back breaker could do for me.
when i injured my knee, i was climbing a machine 75 times a day and messed it up to the point that i still have pain from it daily.

They did a MRI on my knee and told me that there isnt anything that they could tell what my problem is. it still pops everyday, and i think if i had recieved the correct treatment for it DAY ONE, then maybe i wouldnt still suffer from it. The work comp Dr didnt take x-rays or a MRI till 3 weeks after the injury.

You have to look at both sides.
How would you feel about paying for a MRI if it had only been a sprain?.
Knees can be tough to diagnose. It took almost 25 years before I meet the right Dr to diagnose mine. I just happened to see a dr who was familiar with Football injuries, and knew what to look for.
Hindsight is just a mind trap, IMO. He did and you did what you thought best, second guessing those events, is just time for the mind to kill time, again, IMO.
Try seeing a good sports Dr, and see what he says.
both sides, i understand that the company i work for sends employees straight to the work comp doctor and those Drs try to get you back onto your feet as soon as possible.

i know i shouldnt say this, but im sure that going to a work comp Dr includes skimping on tests that a regular Dr would have done from day one. i cant really back that up since i havent been to a real Dr in over 15 years! But hindsight, i should have gotten a second opinion sooner. This was a work related injury.

2 months after seeing the work comp Dr, i went to the bone, joint, and knee surgen. pretty much told me time would heal me up, and we agreed surgery was NOT an option.

Here is the machine that we put together, basically the same, but the ones here in KC have rubber tires and not a track machine. Less downtime and maintenance without the tracks.

these machines can pick up a car and throw them around like pennies:eek:
Originally posted by Quick6'n'-K.C.

They did a MRI on my knee and told me that there isnt anything that they could tell what my problem is. it still pops everyday, and i think if i had recieved the correct treatment for it DAY ONE, then maybe i wouldnt still suffer from it. The work comp Dr didnt take x-rays or a MRI till 3 weeks after the injury.

That's definitely true. My knee MRI showed the ACL was totally gone, and the PCL was tweaked. But when they did the arthroscopy they found the LCL was also destroyed and the meniscus was messed up too. The arthroscopic turned into "let's slice the entire knee open and see what's really going on".

But at least the MRI clearly showed one of the problems.

Oh ... about my earlier post... my family has multiple generations of D.O's - 8 of my uncles and 3 of my cousins - so I'm not totally knocking their beliefs and techniques. In fact, my uncle was the only one who helped me get better from bad post trauma from multiple hockey concussions.
Also, my best friend growing up is now a chiropractor. She'd probably kill me if I said she's "not a real doctor", hehe.
Originally posted by Quick6'n'-K.C.

i know i shouldnt say this, but im sure that going to a work comp Dr includes skimping on tests that a regular Dr would have done from day one.

Managing Health Care Costs includes testing. How much more do you want to pay to have better medical coverage?. It's all about compromises. I know it just doesn't seem right when your the injured party, but, ya know, life just isn't always fair. I don't mean to seem the least bit uncaring, or insensitive, it's just that there are other considerations.
Originally posted by Data
Read this book.

Healing Back Pain by John Sarno

It will tell you why you have chronic back pain and fix the problem.

I have used this book and I have given it to numerous people after having had my father give it to me. My father had back spasms that would incapacitate him, once he read this book those went away....The surprising part, that is better explained by the book, is what the actual cause of the pain is.

I read the preface on, and ordered the book. It seems true to my experience. May be somethng new in it.

Thanks :)
I have had back pain quite a bit, and for me, its a posture-related problem. I grew up with scoliosis, and it has always been a fight to stand straight.
Anyone in a similar situation?
I was looking around for some posture correcters, and havent had much luck. I have been working with a trainer to increase the strength of the muscles in my back and shoulders, as well as working on stretching exercises. Hopefully that will help me out somewhat. What I really need is something to help keep my back straight while Im at work, which is about 80% walking, bending over, and lifting light items. Anyone have an idea where to look for something like that?

I will say one more thing, dont underestimate going to massage therapy. I was curious, since my trainer reccomended giving it a shot. I think it worked pretty well, I was standing straighter for some time after I went. If you are having spinal problems, it really wont help you much, but it can really help tight muscles and areas in your back if thats what you are prone to.
Originally posted by SilverSleeper
I have had back pain quite a bit, and for me, its a posture-related problem. I grew up with scoliosis, and it has always been a fight to stand straight.
Anyone in a similar situation?
I was looking around for some posture correcters, and havent had much luck. .

Actually, that's one of the main points of the pilates book I have. It basically explains that you should picture each bone in your spine as a brick in a wall - each one on top should be supported by the one underneath it. I used to go for a nice arch in my back, thinking that was what good posture was all about. But now I stand up much straighter by letting my back naturally support itself. No more straining my muscles all day with an unnatural arch in my back.