New guy here with 85 project and no title

Here in NM, we get the state police to run NCIC and if that is not reported stolen, then we go to DMV and they inspect it and make sure vin and SPID tags match. Bond it for a couple hundred dollars, mail certified letter to last known owner and wait 30 days. Been thru that with a couple cars. There has to be a problem with them reading the vin. A few of mine were early vin cars and weren't 17 digit and that was still easy.
The easiest way would to put a lien on it since its on your property now, im surprised the shop owner didn't put a lien on it. You should have gotten a bill of sale from the bodyshop, even if it wasn't his you took it off his property and you need to cover your ass just in case. Run a carfax on it make sure it isnt stolen or reported to an insurance company. cool car, im sure you can get a title for it wont be too difficult. Good luck!
Each state has their own laws and regulations.

You should check with someone at your local state motor vehicle office to get the proper information about how to obtain a title for this car.

The title may have a lien on it or even be a stolen vehicle, so follow your LOCAL laws on the proper procedures. The title for this vehicle may not even be from your state, but you should be able to file locally with the MVD, and will trace it.

Carfax will be of no value because you must have info on the last title issued regardless where it was issued.
Each state has their own laws and regulations.

You should check with someone at your local state motor vehicle office to get the proper information about how to obtain a title for this car.

The title may have a lien on it or even be a stolen vehicle, so follow your LOCAL laws on the proper procedures. The title for this vehicle may not even be from your state, but you should be able to file locally with the MVD, and will trace it.

Carfax will be of no value because you must have info on the last title issued regardless where it was issued.

that's crazy talk... you are supposed to ask a bunch of strangers on the internet that live in every corner of the world what to do...
Thanks for the helpfull suggestions. Went to DMV this morning and they can not help at all. My only hope is to find the last registered owner of the car. DMV has no record of the vin on file. Been over 15 years or more since it was last registered. Other possibility is to put a mechanics or shop lien on it. I have a few buddies with shops that might help me out. Or I can spend $900 bux through broadway title company to get me a title but that seems like alot.
Or what I need is someone from Georgia to help me out and register my car with a bill of sale and then sell it back to me. For a fee of course. Looks like Georgia only needs a bill of sale for cars 85 and older to get it registered.
Or what I need is someone from Georgia to help me out and register my car with a bill of sale and then sell it back to me. For a fee of course. Looks like Georgia only needs a bill of sale for cars 85 and older to get it registered.

With that option, you could possibly have an issue in the future if there is a lien on the last owners title, or it could be listed somewhere as a stolen vehicle? Going through proper channels for a title may be more expensive, but it is certainly not risky. :eek:

Having been in the car business, I have seen similar title situations even when done through MVD turn out bad. Some titles are "washed" with a couple sales, but I have seen them turn out to be stolen, and the vehicle returned to the last owner, or the bank if a lien is still outstanding. One was a GN that I purchased with the "owner" and MVD processed my title, I only lost about $3K on that deal when it was found to be stolen. :(

I would think your state would have a process to obtain a title for a mechanics lien or abandon vehicle, especially if the car is that nice.
It's NOT a stolen car. Have run the vin through DMV and have had verified through local PD to try and go through local channels. There is no record anymore since it has been off the road since mid 90's. NY is the toughest state when it comes to titles. Once again, It is NOT stolen. If I cant title it I will scrap it.
It's NOT a stolen car. Have run the vin through DMV and have had verified through local PD to try and go through local channels. There is no record anymore since it has been off the road since mid 90's. NY is the toughest state when it comes to titles. Once again, It is NOT stolen. If I cant title it I will scrap it.
if you can't title it shoot me a PM with a price before you scrap it.
Good week this week, Finally received NY paperwork for my car this week. I did get a little help from the state of Vermont but it all worked out in the end.
Thanks for the info, Sometimes I wish it was an 86 or 7. so much easier to find parts for, Not to mention the HUUUGE 35HP difference.
If you think you've got it bad finding parts, I've had to make mine since no one makes parts for the 83 and earlier cars.:( At least someone made parts for yours at one time.:p