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I really fell bad for you Charlie.Must be rough dealing with the warm weather .Sure wish there was a way for you to ship some of that up our way.
Well most of it is gone now but with the roads still wet we have a night in the mid/low 20's, so we will have more problems tomorrow morning. I wore coveralls this morning and then got to walk around in a light jacket this afternoon. 70's next week and I'm looking forward to putting the long johns away for another year.:D
Them long johns don"t by any chance have a trap door in the back do they?Aint seen them since the 40s.I see I misspelled the word feel.Sorry about that.Getting old.
These are tops and bottoms. Bottoms are wool blend and top are military issue poly. The poly hold up in higher temps but the lowers can get hot once you're in the 40's. No trap door here.:D I believe you're talking about longhandles though.:p
hello people; And this is a snow reply. My TB is in a rented garage and they never moved any snow to it. They left a space just enough for a car just off the street. I never took my bat. out this yr. but I made it to the car and gave it a shot on starting. It did but almost not. I was surprised. All I know it's going to take quit a while to melt all that snow.
hello; I've been no where special just leading a pluggers life. I'll be around.
Well that sounds personal but I am looking forward to reading some more of your unfiltered posts (y)