Should I buy from this Vendor??

So I suppose it would be fine for someone to do a background check on you and post on the internet all the info on your family then! Thats the big deal, you brought in the mans family . No matter what your feelings are towards someone you should never bring their family into it. Not only is it just wrong, its a punk move and has no class to it whatsoever. Grow up before someone enlightens you by doing a lot more than fussing at you. You should give a public appoligy to his entire family and to Brian.

What family information are you talking about other then there Names and Addresses???? My info is posted on the internet its called the yellow pages:biggrin:
What family information are you talking about other then there Names and Addresses?

Thats to much alone. Would you like me to post up your mothers address, maybe your sisters, etc. They have nothing to do with anything and should NOT be put up on the web. I would hope you have that much sence! I quess not. Since your info is on the yellow pages then post it up so someone can run a background check on you and your family to post for all to see. I don't think you would like it much. It was just wrong, I hope you will be able to see that sooner or later , step up and be a man and apoligize to his family for it.
Well if nobody else is going to say it I will. Don't know who you are and really don't care, but why don't you crawl back under the rock you came from and leave this board? What you did was uncalled for and inexcusable. Hopefully the mods and admins will launch you soon enough.............won't be soon enough!
Hey meathead. If your intent was to dissuade people from dealing with Bweavy, congrats, I think you just created the opposite effect. Well done!!!!!
What family information are you talking about other then there Names and Addresses???? My info is posted on the internet its called the yellow pages:biggrin:

How about you quit hiding behind that screen name like a puss and stand behind your posts...friggin internet warrior:rolleyes:
How about you quit hiding behind that screen name like a puss and stand behind your posts...friggin internet warrior:rolleyes:


You have never been short on saying whats on your mind LOL:biggrin:
What family information are you talking about other then there Names and Addresses???? My info is posted on the internet its called the yellow pages:biggrin:

You cant be that stupid. Posting that was wrong.You posted it for a reason and then it backfired on you. Why dont you quit pulling a Bin Laden and come clean and let us see why you think Brian deserves what was said. Brain is a stand up guy in my eyes.I have delt with him and had no problems.It is obvious that you had a problem with him.Their are two people that know why this whole thing started.that whould be you and Brian.Not his family and ex inlaws. If you are a standup guy(which I highly doubt) like brian pick up the phone and call him and make this all go away.I am sure you guys can work this out. Eveyone makes mistakes. Only cowards hide. Be a man and fix what you started. good luck
He will not be honest and tell us who he is. I feel confident to say he is a member of our community we all know pretty well. I am glad you guys stood up and let everyone know not only does staff here not agree with this stuff members do not either....
It's too bad that someone can't figure out who this low life coward is, and post all his personal data. :mad:
Personal info..

About 4-5 years ago a Chicago Police tactical team up near the Lake (Northside) executed a search warrant on a "Vice Lord" dope house and stumbled across a computer generated printout of all the current Chicago Policeman with our social security numbers. Needless to say we were not happy about this sensitive info being in the hands of a group of people that are capable of killing a Policeman and/or his family members because we oppose his illegal enterprises. I highly doubt Brian has anyone out there that wants to kill him so in the big picture its not as bad as everyone is making this out to be. As I wrote to SGRIM in a PM a few days ago, "The TB community is made up of a bunch of keyboard warriors that couldnt fight their way out of a wet paper bag", so fighting will never be done face to face. We all have nothing to worry about.
As I wrote to SGRIM in a PM a few days ago, "The TB community is made up of a bunch of keyboard warriors that couldnt fight their way out of a wet paper bag", so fighting will never be done face to face. We all have nothing to worry about.

that is not always the case...just look at the event in Norwalk...all over internet threats and postings.....just my 2 cents
It's too bad that someone can't figure out who this low life coward is:mad:

You know, there are certain people that frequent this forum ;) who need a few logs with time stamps and it will go a very long way to unmask this person. If it's a game this person wants to play, they had better be careful, the legal side of this is scary for them!!!! I do however respect the admins restraint in posting that information.

This type of behavior is on the verge of promoting identity theft. I mean, I have access to the socials of nearly 8000 employees, there is no way I even look at those or read the file that has them. Too much at stake. All it would take is for Brian to file a formal complaint with a police department where he lives and then the FBI gets involved for stalking. Not to mention the dark cloud of all this persons communication being done over a telco's network. There are laws that put you away for a very long time when you are committing crimes via a wire connection.

I say this person should have a few days to come forward before the hounds get released...
I know who he is...

He is known as the UNABLOGGER.... watch out, he will be posting his manifesto on how Turbo Buick technology will bring the downfall of civilization... :D


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You know, there are certain people that frequent this forum ;) who need a few logs with time stamps and it will go a very long way to unmask this person. If it's a game this person wants to play, they had better be careful, the legal side of this is scary for them!!!! I do however respect the admins restraint in posting that information.

This type of behavior is on the verge of promoting identity theft. I mean, I have access to the socials of nearly 8000 employees, there is no way I even look at those or read the file that has them. Too much at stake. All it would take is for Brian to file a formal complaint with a police department where he lives and then the FBI gets involved for stalking. Not to mention the dark cloud of all this persons communication being done over a telco's network. There are laws that put you away for a very long time when you are committing crimes via a wire connection.

I say this person should have a few days to come forward before the hounds get released...

I do NOT agree in anyway with what this guy has done but lets be realistic, he has NOT committed a crime in any way! he hasn't even talked bad about BWeavy! So there's no slander. He simply posted public information on a public forum! He surely is not stalking him, and lets be serious the FBI sure as hell doesn't have time for this silly BS where the law hasn't even been broken! I'm also not sure How you think he has committed Identity theft?? who's Identity did he take??? A fictitious person in which he is using to hide his real identity?? he has not assumed a false identity to commit a crime or defraud someone... Sometimes we "all" get out of hand with issues!
I do NOT agree in anyway with what this guy has done but lets be realistic, he has NOT committed a crime in any way! he hasn't even talked bad about BWeavy! So there's no slander. He simply posted public information on a public forum! He surely is not stalking him, and lets be serious the FBI sure as hell doesn't have time for this silly BS where the law hasn't even been broken! I'm also not sure How you think he has committed Identity theft?? who's Identity did he take??? A fictitious person in which he is using to hide his real identity?? he has not assumed a false identity to commit a crime or defraud someone... Sometimes we "all" get out of hand with issues!

He did however provide in a public an easy way for someone to impersonate his identity. FYI:!!!! You don't need someones social to take credit out in their name. Name, address, employment and things like that are all that is needed for some types of loans. Tell you what, PM me with your personal info just as Brian's was posted and your permission for me to use it. Care to make a bet as to what can be done to your credit in 24hrs? That is my point.

Educate yourself on laws that have been passed to protect online fraud and crime. Yes, Brian has a fair amount of legal standing on this one. First off, read the DMCA!!! Then you will understand what I look at.