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Unique Performanance 25 Felony count video


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wow thats crazy i just watched a show when they built a camaro with chip foose
Hey now...We can debate whether using 13 gallons of Bondo, Taiwanese parts and prison labor is a normal or abnormal practice when building $200,000 cars:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

quoted from news article

but then its fitting to use bondo on a mustang...remember the the pic on the bondo can?!!..LOL

Doug Hasty

I almost purchased a very nice 454 SS pickup from Doug Hasty three weeks ago. I didn't know who he was, I saw the truck on e-bay, e-mailed the owner, and he invited me to his house to look at it. Doug has a very nice home with a gated community, he had three really nice cars in his driveway to include Foose1. Doug was very nice to me and I didn't know who he was until I asked what he did for a living and he told me everything.:eek: I went back home and looked him up and there he was with Chip.

I didn't win the truck, I got sniped with 10 seconds to go and beat by
$50.00. Oh well probably for the best. This story really doesn't have any relevance, just felt like sharing.
"This story really doesn't have any relevance, just felt like sharing."
Sure does. It is an example of having some good luck!
Suppose that you did win the bid, and the next thing you see is the law at your door, wanting the keys to a vehicle that was sold out of trust??

"This story really doesn't have any relevance, just felt like sharing."
Sure does. It is an example of having some good luck!
Suppose that you did win the bid, and the next thing you see is the law at your door, wanting the keys to a vehicle that was sold out of trust??

I guess I never thought of it that way. Im glad I didn't win it!!! I did check out the car fax and applied for the e-bay protection. Wow I guess someone was watching over me that night!:)
Charges are not convictions! And a grand jury is not a JURY of your peers. They have a long way to go before anyone goes to jail but I can't see anyone ever doing business with them again. He is ruined either way as far as his company goes.

Even if he scammed those people im sure he has money in off shore accounts that will allow him to live like a fat cat anyway. If convicted, what's he gonna do 3 years? For the millions he has squirled away im sure it's worth it to him. Just a smarter and better con-man then your local used car dealer that scams someone with a lemon. That's all.
Interesting story, we'll see how it plays out. Makes Chinese/eBay Buick parts seem harmless. :p
No one has caught the regal driving by in the background at 1:14 into the news story yet? Looks like a Gn but kinda hard to tell from the crappy video. How many points to I get for noticeing it :biggrin:
"Even if he scammed those people im sure he has money in off shore accounts that will allow him to live like a fat cat anyway".

If he was in it alone, then maybe the $$ are there.
However, one has to remember, it's the lawyers that will enhance thier accts w/ his $$.
Once the individual lawsuits get done w/ his sorry a$$, he'll be lucky to be the groundskeeper at his fancy, gated community! [Or, he can apply for the groundskeeper job at the federal, [countryclub] slammer he goes to].
WOW, that just sucks....I wonder what Year One and Foose who were all partnering in the Camaros will do, or are now legally involved in. I hope this is outside Doug Hasty, and it was others doing this, Doug has always seemed to be an honest guy, like Kevin King....he may not always be the most humble, but who would be in that position? Just Foose.
Keep us updated.
Innocent until Proven Giulty??
More like innocent until charged then everyone condems you & if you were totally clean then you still lose big time from the lawyers $$$ to prove you were clean in the first place. Sounds fair to me????

Funny how everyone automatically assumes he's a bad dude?
I have no idea who he is, whether he is involved or not or even had a clue of what was going on but he does deserve a chance to explain before everyone gangs up on him proclaiming he is Guilty already!
The Laws & court of opinion Suck!!
No one has caught the regal driving by in the background at 1:14 into the news story yet? Looks like a Gn but kinda hard to tell from the crappy video. How many points to I get for noticeing it :biggrin:

I thought i see that car in background pulling up to light, looked like a dark grey or brown
anybody spot the regal (turbo?) in the background as they are walking to the car before putting the files in the trunk? :cool: :rolleyes:

EDIT: I guess Grand Nash beat me to it. LOL