WHO is Worse?

Who are worse drivers

  • MALE

    Votes: 6 6.7%

    Votes: 84 93.3%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Jun 2, 2002
Who do you think are the worst drivers Male or Female.

I have come to the conclusion that women are in another world when driving. :eek:

I do lots of daily errands like picking up my daughter at school.

The parking lot is 98 percent women.
I see them park the wrong way, go out the in entrance,
no blinkers, Wide turns because cell phone is in other hand.

One had a leaking fluid under her cars to which I pointed out.
Next day still leaking & you could hear water pump chatter.

They are pay no attention. period! No respect for cars either.

One has a newer mini van with bumps on every panel! :rolleyes:

One mom was late one day & I see her coming down a road that
is residential so that would be 20-25mph. She was hualing at a good 45 mph. Nearly took me out in the process.. :(
I think guys are naturally better drivers. The problem is when they dont have respect for a car with power. Thats where the irresponsible young male drivers get their bad image. Women just dont care for cars like guys do. Guys take care of their cars, respect them, and it shows. They are more likely to drive careful because of the effort spent taking care of the car. Both my sisters are horrible drivers. I wont let them near any of my cars.

Now obviously there are exceptions. My dad could care less about his cars. Oil change? Air filter, whats an air filter? lol. He has beat on every car hes owned. Whereas my best friends mother has a tricked out Ford with a stereo system, window tint, and all sorts of cool stuff. Her cars are always in the best shape. Of course she is also one of the best darn school bus drivers in the state! But, she agrees that men are better drivers.
Women drivers are by far the worse. My girlfriend agrees. Anytime I get tailgated when there's two open lanes it's 99% of the time a girl. There's been a few times I swear the person behind me is trying their best to provoke a fight and as they get past me it's a girl, usually not even mad, it's just the way they drive. I had one tailgating my a while back in my GN and she went as far as to try and floor it past me in the left (oncoming traffic) lane so I gave it just enough gas to stay side by side with her. She eventually had to get back in behind me. I wouldn't care normally but I was going 20mph over the speed limit to begin with and she was flipping me off for no reason.
99% of the time when I get passed on the way to work, even if I'm speeding, is by a woman. However, I can't legitimize classing women as overall being worse drivers. I have a buddy who drives so aggressively that when I'm in the car with him, I generally close my eyes when he starts working the traffic, cutting lanes and such. It's pretty disrespectful way to drive though he pays no heed to my concerns. I think it's just a matter of priorities; the need to get yourself where you are going is more important than being courteous to those around you. Not much different than driving in twilight conditions or rain with no lights on; sure you can see, but you can't be seen. As for cosmetic car care, women overall just don't care about door dings and such. To them, cars are a functional vessel that they look good in when they are seen in public. Kinda like shoes, only bigger.
Id have to say that I see knot heads on the road of both gender but woman seem to be the bigger percentage.

Case in point: I was behind a minivan full of kids with a woman driving on a major artery thats three lanes wide here local (I-581). She was in the center lane with traffic all around her. Not only was she oblivious to the traffic around her (I watched and she NEVER ONCE looked in any of her mirrors) but she was holding a conversation on a cell phone while not using the hands free feature. She suddenly decided to turn around in the seat to scold/yell at the rambunctious kids in the back which caused her to drift out of her lane and crowd the the car to her left onto the shoulder. Luckily the guy driving that car saw her coming and swerved/braked to keep from getting hit. When she turned around she whipped back into the center lane since now she was actually watching where she was going BUT... she NEVER checked any of her mirrors to see if she had ran someone off the road or caused an accident. Just kept on driving like she was the only one on the road.

I can PROMISE you that knot head soccer mom would be one of the first ones to try to have you hanged for speeding or what have you within sight of her but if you would ask her how she felt about her actions then it would just be a "minor" thing. Whatever.... :rolleyes:

Driving down I-81 in 5 PM traffic and I see some guy with a NOVEL open and centered in the steering wheel so he could read it. I stayed close enough to watch him for a few minutes and he NEVER looked up from the book. How he navigated I'll never know. Autopilot? Hmmph.. I hope so! Thank God this guy and the soccer mom above never met up on the road or they would STILL be wrecking days later.

Idiots. :rolleyes:

I see this kinda crap EVERY time Im on the road. When I drove truck I would see something similar prolly once EVERY hour. At the time I was glad I was driving something that weighed ~40 tons so I stood a better chance of not getting ran over by one of these idiots be they male OR female.
Girls are worse I think, mainly coz they arent very observant of the situation. Like at intersections, i've tried to cross then had girls from the other side shoot out w/o even looking. Forunately my excellent manuevering skills saved my car:cool:
I think old people are horrible though, that shoulda been an option to vote for too. Almost got sideswiped by an old fogey yesterday while I was driving a work car:eek:
When I first started driving, I would have agreed with you about women being worse drivers....Now? I think each driver earns respect or distain on their own. I've noticed a lot of men on my bumper in heavy traffic and talking on a cell phone too.

The worst driver, in my view, is the new immigrant to the USA, or, a tourist from Asia renting a car to see America.

He/she prolly has never driven before arriving on our shores. I live near MCI's 4400 employee building in Colorado (which by the way is in a large tourist area). Accross the street from the building is a huge apartment complex where hundreds and hundreds of software engineers live until they get citizenship and buy a big house on the hill. Congress gave US "business" the ability to recruit highly educated foriegn workers, offering them US citizenship in three years.

I see these people Jay walking all the time a block from my house. After a while I see them driving to the credit union, also a block away. These people are a hazard for a while, until they adjust and learn to drive in the city or our open roads of the West.

For the most part, Its NOT sex specific, its simply complacency at the wheel. ;)
2 stupids

My Mom was waved out into traffic from a lady on the other of the intersection. WHAM!
My Mom was stupid for being led by a woman driver in another car
& that Lady was stupid to wave her on.

In fact this happend to a buddy also.. I told him NEVER EVER trust a woman that waves you out into traffic..

Of course it happend in that wonderfull state called MASS! Where else!:eek:
Most females drive like a$$!!! With that said the worst part is most of them drive these big SUVs and cut people off while there on their talking on a f_cking cell phone:mad: At least that's how it is where I drive....
Not even close, women drivers are idiots, and men who supply them with faster cars are idiots. Boy, am I going to get it for this, but I am on the road all day and and am qualified to make this conclusion. During the winter, all body shops are busy fixing Grans Prixs and suv roll-overs from women. At least they are good for one thing, they keep the body shops in business.
I just signed up to this forum and this thread played a big role in that decision. Just like everybody on here, my opinion is biased and I know that somebody will try to give me the womens lib thing because what I'm replying. But there's just some things that need to be said.
First off, I don't know why guys should be "naturally" better drivers than girls or can somebody give me a genetic reason?

Admitting that there are women out there who talk on cell phones, don't know that they have turn signals or my favorite: put their make-up on while driving but it is just as irresponsible than some of the agressive and risky guy driving I see out there.
From driving experience in the US I can safely say that there are a lot of people who can't handle their cars regardless of gender (another reason why the insurances are soo high!).

From over here, this poll goes against all statistics that will tell you that 89% of deadly accidents are cause by male drivers in the age of 18-30. They either drive mercedes, BMW, prosche or these ricers in their stupid looking Opels and Golfs who kill themselves and others and they are GUYS.

I don't want to say that guys are "natually" worse than women but blaming us for accidents is just ridiculous. I don't think bad driving has sth to do with gender and you be hard pressed to convince me otherwise with an unbiased reason.

Sorry, if I didn't make friends with my first post . Promise to get better.
I voted that women are worse, but some of the stuff said here I disagree with.
:) I do not own a cell phone, therefore you'll never see me trying to talk & drive. I hate people who do that. Use the damn speaker phone!!
:) I do love cars just as much as ANY and most men. I would even say I know more about cars than the "typical" man. I definately respect the power of a vehicle. Please see my web site to determine if I love & respect cars.
:) I am very observant. You better believe I'd notce any thing leaking or smoking under my car. I try to be a very a caution & CONCIDERATE diver. Which most people are not conciderate at all. :mad:
:) I do agree that women may be worse drivers as a whole, but I would not say all women!!
:) Most SUV drivers really suck! They act like they are off road flying down the city streets. I hate the SUV drivers that drive like crap, men & women. Especially if they are on a cell phone, with kids in the back.
:) Oh'yeah....women do have better reaction times....so maybe we can just say they make better drag racers! :D

Thank you Tonya,

Myself and gn85girl got into this conversation it it was tried to be made out as 50/50 of men verse women at drivers. I agree with what you said that not ALL women are like that. Living here in Germany I do find a lot more capable women drivers then in the states. But in the states, I know they're are a share of women who CAN drive. I would like to hear your input on the idea that mens aggressive driving is just as dangerous.

I would agree that men push the aggressiveness and sometimes go over the edge causing accidents. However, I would have to say that men are in many more situations paying closer attention to traffic and driving. My opinion... for the most part.. men are better. That doesn't mean the women aren't capable... but I don't think many women put such an importance on hurling a 4000lb piece of machinery down the road.

Guys.. ask your wives/gfs what they think...
Let's see.....

SalvageV6 has been hit 5 or 6 times I can't remember exactly....

Hmmm, all have been uh WOMEN! Doh! ;)

Certainly didn't affect my vote however. :D :eek: :eek: :confused: :rolleyes:

Not in the dog house yet... still fighting my case. As long as I keep fighting my case, I think I'm ok. As soon as I lose.. out I go. :)
Sorry to burst everyone's bubble but those in the "know" on this issue would be police officers and those in the insurance field.

By FAR the worst are young males, but males are the majority of poor drivers altogether. By nature, men are much more competitive, aggressive, impulsive and have "something to prove". Generally speaking females are completely opposite, think about it.

We get many more road rage, drunken driving, and overall dangerous driving complaints from citizens on male drivers vs. females.

I don't know the statistics, but I know from personal experience my attention is directed much more towards males and their poor driving habits than females. Men tend to take more chances and have a bit of over-confidence behind the wheel than women. Granted, women have issues of their own but rarely will you see a woman tail-gating, aggressively changing lanes, cutting people off etc.

I'll concede men have a better grasp of the theory of driving (mechanics of the machinery and such). And as much as I'd like to say women don't deserve to be on the road I'm sorry to say the dangerous driving award without question goes to the guys.

I'm a realist and sometimes the truth hurts.