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  1. 8

    Thrasher Chip

    I would confirm what turbo it has, what injectors it has, what fuel pump it has, and make sure the chip that's currently in it matches up. This is much easier said than done, but it can be done. The most widely accepted and highly-though-of chips on this board would be TurboTweak and/or...
  2. 8

    PREVENT orange ECM connector from making contact?

    Put a Monte Carlo emblem on it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. 8

    2016 Summer Olympics

    How about the Hungarian swimmer chick who smashed the world record in 400m medley by TWO WHOLE SECONDS!! Looks like a dude with a chicks head. I'm sure she's perfectly clean of PED's. Or maybe she just shaves a lot better than the rest of them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. 8

    Is it any wonder this site is now the slowest there is!!

    double post (using my computer, NOT the phone app)!!
  5. 8

    Is it any wonder this site is now the slowest there is!!

    go to your smart-phone's app store and search for You can download Tapatalk there and access the board. I have gotten to where i RARELY use my computer on the board at all since the phone app is so good.
  6. 8

    I am such a sucker!

    I'm not a cat person, but I respect them. Sucks you had to say goodbye to it. We have a stray cat that hangs around the house at my deer lease. This last season, she hitched a ride on top of the spare tire of my truck all the way from junction to magnolia - 320 miles. She now resides at my...
  7. 8

    E85 deposit

    There's a hypothesis out there that e85 mixed with oil causes it. Do you have oil anywhere in the intake, or have you had that problem? Catch can(s) installed? I'm considering a pcv delete for that reason as it makes sense. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. 8

    Brand new to the site, my first TR oil pressure troubles

    Forget the delco filter - it's only marginally better than the fram. Baldwin, wix, or napa gold. Spend the few bucks extra for either of those and your motor will thank you. Good oil filters are the cheapest insurance you can buy for your motor and wallet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. 8

    Tax Bill just came in, Town of Guilford, CT, People in CT listen up!

    Just tell em it's a Monte Carlo. That should lower the assessed value. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. 8

    how is the ac compressor clocked?

    Don't be too judgmental about the cleanliness of my engine bay, please!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. 8

    how is the ac compressor clocked?

    John, My original compressor has an electrical connector at about 5 o'clock. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. 8

    Turbo Regal Service Manual Android App (Updated)

    I think he was just saying that he used to have something similar to this on a previous computer that died. And that it's awesome to have it back. Very good job and thanks for your work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. 8

    Powerlogger file review, Knock

    What he said - very good start. The 100% duty Cycle you're seeing also indicates the injectors are done in theory. If they are in fact stock injectors, it doesn't how much fuel volume and pressure you supply to them if they are unable to deliver to the cylinder. Make sure all your vacuum lines...
  14. 8

    E85 tuning help - car falls flat

    Check the easy and free stuff first. Good idea on looking for a kinked line. There's some pretty smart dudes that say to check the cam sensor also. Might be a good idea to check the driver side header - in one of your posts I saw you said your boost was dropping off. Basically look for any...
  15. 8

    E-85 nearby

    Some folks have mixed e85 and 93 before and done well with it, including myself. I did it because I wasn't sure if I wanted to go e85 for the long-haul or not and just wanted to test it out. I did know that I didn't really want alky, and race gas wasn't practical for me. If you decide to do...