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E-85 nearby


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Feb 22, 2016
An e-85 station just opened nearby and I've been reading many posts about this and I'm going to be heading by this station and I need confirmation. Will it be ok to add a couple gallons of E-85 with 5 gallons of 93 Shell V-power?? Will I notice a difference or do not do it?? I'm about to install my Alky Control Kit next week but wanted to test this out IF it's worth my time?
Don't do it unless you are tuned for it. E85 uses 30% more fuel to run. If you're not tuned for it and running off of a gasoline calibration, you will run lean.

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Some folks have mixed e85 and 93 before and done well with it, including myself. I did it because I wasn't sure if I wanted to go e85 for the long-haul or not and just wanted to test it out.
I did know that I didn't really want alky, and race gas wasn't practical for me.
If you decide to do mix, you MUST add fuel in your chip settings accordingly.
The biggest drawback is that mixing it isn't very precise or practical. In order to get any consistency, you must not only be precise with your measurements but also mix OUTSIDE the tank in containers. Not to mention testing the e85 to make sure it has consistent ethanol content.

Proceed with caution.

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One other thing I was trying to get a straight answer on is. Is it true that the 93 octane has truly had the anti knock/detonation additive in it? If that the case I may have found the reason for the knock I've started to get. Ever since I filled up recently with pure Ethanol Free 93 I have not been able to shake a wot knock. Can the ethanol free cause this problem and do we truly run best on the regular 93? I have checked EVERYTHING and made chip adjustments lowered boost and I think I've come to the conclusion the ethanol free fuel is my culprit. Can someone shed light on this?
Exactly what is all the hype with E85? I did some research and found only added expense. When my foot was feeling heavy and I wanted to crank up the boost on my T66 powered MR2 turbo I would just add a gallon of Toluene.
As an E85 converter myself I'll chime in. It all comes down to Octane rating. E85 sits between 100-105 octane. Allows a lot more boost without knock. Costs were well worth it in my book. And all for cheaper gas! $1.59 gallon where I'm at.

Costs aren't really that high to convert either. For the basic starter and not the all out racer, 80# injectors are just fine. DW300 or 301 pump and a chip. You probably have everything else already like hot wired fuel pump etc.
The short amount of research I did on E85 listed the octane rating at less 100 but my search was most likely flawed. I knew that those who are running E85 have a good reason.

The short amount of research I did on E85 listed the octane rating at less 100 but my search was most likely flawed. I knew that those who are running E85 have a good reason.


Your research is flawed. E85 is rated at 100+ octane, but in real life it out performs 116. Most find that they can turn their boost up from the stock 13-16 or so PSI to 30+ pounds easily. Yes it does take some mods like a heavy duty fuel pump, larger injectors, and a chip, but when you're done you've got a new animal to drive. There's good reason why so many people made the leap, and I've never heard of a person saying the switch wasn't worth it.
Ethanol is not measured with octane. It's alcohol. It performs differently than traditional fuels when resisting knock. So when you hear numbers like 100,105, 115,etc...this is false. It resists knock like a pure racing fuel does. I'll say this..I have not had ONE KR report since I converted two months ago. About 10+ tanks of fuel. Now, with this being said I converted EVERYTHING over to about the best you can buy. I did spend a good bit, but ill tell you this...I dont worry anymore...period. The only flaw I have found is spending more time going to a pump that is a few more miles away. Putting a tank full of racing fuel in my car for 19$ is pretty good stuff.

People that converted always told me, dont wait, you will understand I do.
Not to hijack the thread but there is only one station near me. 25 miles away. I remember the e85 there always being 20 cents or so under the 87 price.

87 in m6 area is around 2.20 a gallin.
Well, a few months ago I called and asked how much e85 was. The guy says 2.79 or something. I said WHAT? Isn't it always cheaper? He says yeah buy we're the only ones that have it. So I called them the scumbags that they are.
