Glad he was able to work something out.
Hosting isnt cheap. We've tried to go for "budget" hosting in the past and it never works out. People cut corners and thats how you end up almost losing your board (Fuck you, Mike Edge).
I used to make those. It was the first plenum spacer ever sold for these cars. Kirban sold them. Mine were only 1/4 inch tho with a disruptor shelf in the back. After a couple of shipments, we went to phenolic from there on out.
I dont do triathalons but I am an avid cyclist. My wife and I have a zillion road bikes, mountain bikes and a tandem in our garage. These days most of my riding is relegated to being on a Peloton. Hopefully get to change that this year.
Yea, to add to that. Any transaction you think is weird, message me and Ill do the best I can to look at it. It might take me a couple of days to get back to you but I will.