Recent content by TurbolessRegal

  1. T

    What do GN owners listen to?

    So much diversity...funny to see great bands like Slayer next to crap (IMO) like Disturbed and Linkin Park...I dunno...All your choice When I'm riding, currently, it's all about Shai Hulud's last album "That Within Blood Ill tempered". Takes some time to get used to listening to, but it's...
  2. T

    ATTN Metalheads: any Arch Enemy fans here?

    I've seen them live before, but when they had their old singer. If you're into swedish melodic death metal, some other bigger named bands are In Flames(older is better), Gardenian, The Haunted, At the Gates, Soilwork, Dark Tranquility, Dimension Zero, etc. They're touring with Slayer and...
  3. T

    attempted car jack

    Something that could stop carjackings... I remember seeing on tv one time that some manufacturer in Japan makes an anti-car jacking system. I guess it runs on a system similar to flamethrowers for your exhaust. Being that most car jackers are going to approach your door, you push a button...
  4. T


    Was anyone on this board on rt 347 (long island) at about 7pm tonight? I was busy trying not to get hit by a light blue honda crx with unbearably loud exhaust when I saw a GN going eastbound. Too bad I missed it, I never see any of you guys on the road :( . For once, I'd like to see a GN put...
  5. T

    They must be kidding right?

    Looks like a pontiac front end slapped on an Accord (rear end looks very much like an Accord, IMO). Also reminds me of some models from Dodge. Definitely not worthy of the GTO badging though, at least style wise. The LS1 does sound pretty attractive under the hood.
  6. T


    Someone's a bit greedy about trying to get more than a car's worth... $5000 for an '84 N/A v6? Nice looking car, no doubt, maybe a perfect setup for a sleeper car with a drivetrain...
  7. T


    I just saw a commercial for a new type of spraypaint that supposedly bonds to plastics really well. Anyone tried this? My grill and headlight bezels have to be repainted every 4 months to look halfway decent. Any tricks to keeping them in good condition longer? I've sandpapered the chrome...
  8. T

    You know you grew up in the 80's if...

    definitely brings back some memories haha. I'm surprised there's no mention of lite brite though :D
  9. T

    The free ride is over

    My school's on campus network has approximately 5 TB of shared songs...that around 5000 GB, damn wouldn't they have quite a bit of spending money with that. If an average song is about 4-5MB, they'd get close to a trillion dollars from this campus alone. :D
  10. T

    Computer for a small business

    Dell SUCKS! Bought my computer from them two years ago, every day want to throw it against the wall. Can't stand the OS either... Windows ME is the worst piece of crap operating system ever.:mad: If I had to do it all over again, I'd get a custom job done by a smaller company. With that, you...
  11. T

    with $150 thousand, you can do anything!

    All about absolute vs gage pressure... absolute pressure= atmospheric (14.7psi)+gage pressure (what you measure). Damn, don't I remember that all from doing calculations in fluid mechanics :D
  12. T

    DOH! walked in on by G/F's parents!

    Damn, I got sent to the principal's office for exploding a juice box in third grade...imagine a mother getting a call about that situation
  13. T

    Saturn S car

    Both my parents own saturns (98 and 2000), and they weren't too bad on the maintenance, except for the transmissions. My father swore he'd never buy another Saturn after transmission seals started going at like 36k. The dealership wanted like $1200 for the repairs, but he called the Saturn HQ...
  14. T

    Buick guy gets thrown in jail.........

    Wish I met with some of those 'cool' cops... Going through Adirondack park in NY (no one lives within 20 miles of where I was driving) I got clocked for 72 in a 55. I knew my speedo was off by a little, but had no idea it was at least 10mph off. :confused: Officer stops me, says the...
  15. T

    Anybody watch AMERICAN CHOPPER?

    The father is a bit overbearing, but he has a great mustache!