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  1. W

    Will not accelerate, restarting solves it

    Problem solved Just wanted to say thanks to those who posted suggestions and helped. It was indeed a bad pump. THE 3rd ONE that I have put in, all new. Two bad pumps in a row, both from the same vendor. I bought the last pump from Racetronics and it was a great kit. It had very good directions...
  2. W

    Will not accelerate, restarting solves it

    It doesn't seem to make a different sound. I will be dropping the tank next week (gotta recruit help) and hopefully solving the problem!
  3. W

    Will not accelerate, restarting solves it

    I will drop the tank.:( I will probably go ahead and get a new pump and kit just to be safe. Racetronic seems to have a good kit. Got the last one from Gbody and that is not an experience that I wish to repeat. The article with the photos really help to understand to modifications. I really...
  4. W

    Will not accelerate, restarting solves it

    I did put the sock on the pump. I do not know what the pulsator is. I did not remove anything from the stock set up when I swaped out the stock pump. The stock pump was fine and I only changed it as a precaution. The car only has 20k miles on it. Is there something electrically that controls...
  5. W

    Will not accelerate, restarting solves it

    The tank is the correct, original tank. Once it starts to lose pressure it does it at any speed until I restart it. The voltage is normal on the TurboLink. I will check at the pump harness. The positive wire is not touching anywhere and the motor mounts are fine. I did not get rid of the pulse...
  6. W

    Will not accelerate, restarting solves it

    The canister is still there. The #s look normal until the fuel pressure drops off and then of course the o2 #s and knock get out of line. I have a fuel pressure gauge taped to the windshield and i can clearly see the fuel pressure drop as I accelerate. The thing that baffles me is that it is...
  7. W

    Will not accelerate, restarting solves it

    Chuck, It is a stock tank. What should I be looking for?
  8. W

    Will not accelerate, restarting solves it

    Did some troubleshooting tonight. It is fuel related. It runs fine for a while and then the fuel pressure drops while accelerating. The strange thing is that when you turn the ignition off then on, it resets and runs fine again for a while. This is a new walboro pump and its hotwired. I did have...
  9. W

    Will not accelerate, restarting solves it

    I have the TurboTweak chip. It does start right back up and runs fine for a while and then it repeats. It is solved every time by turning the ignition off and restarting.
  10. W

    Will not accelerate, restarting solves it

    Thanks for the replys. I will try all the suggestions and report back. Hopefully one will work :) I do have a scan tool, TurboLink. Yeah, bought it a while back. It does not register any codes or seem to indicate anything abnormal. I did check fuel pressure but will do it again. Thanks again...
  11. W

    Will not accelerate, restarting solves it

    Hello, I have an 87 GN that is stock minus injectors, fuel pump, regulator, actuator and chip. The car has recently started to give me problems. It will run great for a few miles and then when accelerating, it falls flat on it's face. It cuts out to the point that you can not accelerate. If I...