Electric - The ASC sunroofs required removal of the hard headliner. The hole was cut in the roof and a trim ring installed. The unit was then installed inside the car and mounted to the roof ring and secured on both sides and the back. A small bracket was then screwed to the front header between the visors to hold the button. The were also 4 drains in each corner that had to be run. They were built to leak. Some installers threw the hard headliner away and glued the new material to the edges and rolled them over the edge of the sunroof unit. The trim was installed around the sunroof unit (black trim). Other installers cut the hard headliner close to the sunroof and pulled the material around the unit and installed the black trim. The sliding shade was then removed and recovered. In all cases new headliner was installed. The Manual ones were simpler. Remove headliner, cut the hole, install the top ring and sandwich the sunroof in from the bottom. A bunch of screws held it in place and a flexible rubber strip snapped into 2 channels on either side of the screw holes to cover them up. If you take a picture I can tell you if it's an ASC. No documentation was given to the customer. These were supposed to be dealer installed and transparent to the customer. I did them at another company ( ASC authorized dealer). On rare occasions I did them at the dealer. Unfortunately, manual sunroofs back then were sold everywhere ( pep boys was a big one). I installed those on the side when asked but they never looked as nice. The box cutter look is exactly why some never used the old headliner backer. (Like me). It's impossible to cut a perfect hole. Most dealers used ASC shops but cant say that was 100%.