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2 a-holes in a honda


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Active Member
Oct 23, 2002
today coming back from block buster with a copy of f&f i noticed a red honda accord with this real hottie i know with her mentally unstable step brother in the passanger seat (i was attacked by him last year and whooped his butt, on top of the ass kicking he recieved he got probation and comunity service:D)

i drove normal speed waiting for them to catch up and when they did we were on a nice,long, and wide streatch of road with no traffic. the first thing i see when i look over is the brothers middle finger high in the air and the first thing i herd was do you want to run that pos coming from his sister. :cool:

she floored it and i feathered the gas just enough so as not to spool the turbo and to make it look like she was winning, her brother who was aparently dang near close to nutting him self because of the fact that he thaught they were winning was hanging half the way out the window laughing and flicking me off, i could not resist the temptation :p as i eased the throttle open and let the turbo spool i seen the funniet thing i have ever saw, the punks face looked about like this. :eek: when i looked back in the mirror the little honda looked like it had moved back about 25-30 cars in just a few seconds.

i glanced up just in time to see a cop several blocks up parked behind a sign, i could see his wheels and most of his doors also the fact that im related to him helped me out. i stayed on the throttle knowing that he could not see me because of the sign but just incase it wasent my cuz i slowed down just enough to let that honda catch me and pass. sure enough she flew past me now doing close to 100 mph and got on the brakes to watch her get a speeding ticket of over doubble the speed limit :D wreckless driving and the whole 9 yards. her brother the nut has a ticket for no seat belt and something about hanging out of the window. in all he told me he wrote them 6 tickets but i cant remember them all. :D :D :D ive been waiting for this day for soooooooo long.
Wow. Not only do you get to put the smack down on your enemies but you get to watch the cops do it when you're done. Why can't stuff like that even happen to me?
Nice triple kill! I love playing with ricers, I sometimes even shift the 1-2 manually to make the engine wind out like I'm really trying and midway through second I hit it. I guess it's no wonder some of the rice crowd think I have nitrous.
Wow. Not only do you get to put the smack down on your enemies but you get to watch the cops do it when you're done. Why can't stuff like that even happen to me?

if i would have been smart enough i would have pulled in behind dan while he was writeing them the tickets so i could have seen there faces when they realized that we knew each other, that would have been priceless:D i had my cam with me to, damn why dint i do that.

used honda- 5000 dollars
large fake gold ring for your middle finger- 25 dollars
realizing that the cop that just pulled you over and the guy you lost to are related- OWNED
all i want to know is....why the f are you renting the f&f?

for some strange reasion ricers facinate me. ive done watched that movie about 15 times and it never gets boreing. ricers are like pets to me.
It's kindas like watching an ant farm. They are working their butts off and getting no where. :(
i seen them out at the mall today, guss who was driveing, there MOM!!! i rolled up next to them at the stop light and said "ohhh did the big bad police man take away your car" in a rather smart ass/mocking tone. the nim rod brother dint have enough sence to keep his mouth shut and stuck his head out of the window and said " we had you on top end bitch" now heres the funny part, they must have told there parents some bs story because him mom was screaming "YOU WERE RACING!?!?!?!, YOU TOLD ME YOUR GAS PEDAL GOT STUCK!!!!!, THATS IT YOUR GOING TO BE TAKEING THE BUS FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR"

i was like "SWEEEEEEEEEEET" in my best cartman accent:D
Hahaha, I definitely got a kick out of that. Well done timing the "ricer fly-by" so they got busted bigtime. Meeting up with them and MA drivin' the car, that must've been sweet, seeing the punks have to take their medicine. I'm sure sis isn't too pleased with her loud-mouthed step-bro. Awesome job and good story! :cool: