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2 alky questions


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R.I.P. Lethal GN
May 26, 2001
First question.. Would it be better to run higher timing and low boost or vice versa? I would think the lower temps from lower boost would be better than lower timing. Any comments?
Second question.. Would it be OK to hook a Kenne Bell Boost-A-Pump up to the alky pump? I was thinking it could allow you to run more boost due to both better atomization from the higher pressure and the increased flow. Has anyone tried this either with a B-A-P or hot wire kit or something?
I like the idea of higher timing....then if you have a malfunction with the kit, you won't be as liable to blow your headgaskets as you would with higher boost. That's a theory though, I don't know for sure.

I would definitely not use a boost a pump. The SMC kit has all the adjustment you need for increased flow. I think he's working on a two stage kit...but I could be wrong.

Still got the Syclone and the TTA? :)
Originally posted by WakkoSS
I like the idea of higher timing....then if you have a malfunction with the kit, you won't be as liable to blow your headgaskets as you would with higher boost. That's a theory though, I don't know for sure.

Not true, high timing will cause extreme cylinder pressures just like turbo boost will.

You want to get into the "sweet spot" of whatever turbo you are running. For a TE-60 that is going to be around 24-25psi. So start with low timing, get your car set where is runs 24psi or so, then add timing until the knock sensor feels a little tickle. It may take a couple of different chips or a spark translator to find the right timing.
I plan on getting a custom chip burned for my combo later on. For right now though I run the high timing ( @ 30 degrees ) chip because I have cheap clamps that don't hold alot of boost, and it has l/u which my street chip doesn't have. I have the l/u switch but I'll probably forget to hit it if a race suddenly came up. Even with the high timing I can run @18 psi with very little to no knock.
It's true that higher timing works the best with alchy. Also true that if you lose spray at 30* you will be shopping for head gaskets.

I'd say keep boost to 22-24 psi, no more than 25* timing.

you can definately use higher timing, needed, in fact, to leverage turbo spool-up due to the w-a offset.

25 degrees is, imo, actually kinda low, at least relative to what me and Dman usually run.

As far as blowing head gaskets, let me tell you, the *stock* factory head gasket/torquing result is beyond reproach.
Just one (of many) example:
yesterday, while showing off for a BMW, I suffered a w-a system, uh, 'malfunction'.
I was 4th gear, WOT, 27lbs boost. A look at the DS data showed 25 knock counts (yikes, higest ever! ever!), 8 to 12 degrees continuous retard, and 1810 (!!!) def F. EGT.
You would think I did some amount of incremental damage, and I probably did, yet, after fixing the w-a system, another run at 29lbs and 1690 EGT proved the car running as usual.
Bottom line is, these factory turbo blocks are friggin tough, man.
>>you forgot to turn it on, or forgot to hook up the nozzles>>

nahhh...that would infer I have a brain, even a small one ;-)
It was my own slip-shod craftsmanship that let me down.
Ian, the "sweet-spot" for a TE44 is 26psi. Like he said, high timing will kill your headgasket just as quick as high boost. I am a low timing/high boost kind of guy. There is more hp per psi when you raise the boost than when you up the timing. A benefit of higher timing though is that you won't burn as much fuel as you would if you had upped the boost.
