2000 Lightning vs.my GN


next gen buick enthusiast
Jan 14, 2003
what do ya'll think about this match up. the guy says he has pulleys, a programmer, chip, and headers, and nitrous. but he says he wont spray me on the first run. i think he will be running drag radials, and so will i. my mods are in my sig. he keeps talking smack, and all i can do is smile...

A guy at work has a 2001, he has bigger maf, 125 shot, exhaust, chip and slicks. His best tie was only 12.2 @109.

Its not that fast :)
Tell him to spray on the first run(hes gonna need it).Then after you spank him,tell him to go get a bigger bottle.
You should take hime easily. Just use race gas, a race chip and over 20# of boost. IF, however, you race him at the track and he is an experienced racer and you have never raced before, you could lose. So if you havn't raced before go there and practice and get your race tune down.
i am about as inexperianced as it get, but i plan on running at least a couple times before i run him. the guy is relatively experiance. he is probably about 26-27 and has had some hoped up camaros, but he isnt all that good of a driver. his best time in his lightning thus far (he hasnt put any of the mods i mentioned on yet) is a 14.6x. one of the local buick gurus has already offered to help tune my car before the race. this guy keeps talking trash. win or lose, im sure it'll be fun.

One way or the other it WILL be FUN.

First hand I can say that you want to have this race SOON. Don't let the smack talk carry on and then decide to race after the weather cools off. I know that our TR's wake up in the cold weather but I've NEVER seen a vehicle respond to cold air like the Lightnings. Trucks that have gone 12.7's in the cool air have run 14.teens in the heat!! My STOCK 2002 Lightning went 13.07 in cold air STOCK!!!.

Practice your launch. Lightnings have damn near even weight distribution and I have cut 1.8s 60' in my STOCK truck on STOCK tires. DR's should give him atleast 1.6s ATLEAST.
Do not underestimate him and think that you have throttle to play with. Run your best race...you may need it....it may not be enough. Without knowing the details of his mods I can't say for sure what he'll run but he may be in the high/mid 11's. That would be if he can hook and the weather is cool....RUN HIM IN THE HEAT.

These trucks make 450ft/lbs of torque STOCK. Noone should have to tell a TR owner how important torque is.

The only weakness I can tell you of is that they don't finish as strong as they start. My best pass was a 13.07 @ 104.3mph w/1.86 60'. That may not seem so weak but think about it like this - if you move a 5000lb truck 60ft in 1.86 seconds you should see more than 104mph on the top end.

Goodluck...you may need it.
oh, i have no doubts that it will be fun. all of the sh*t talking is all in good fun. he is a cool guy.

and trust me it will be hot. i will probably have all my stuff done around the end of july which means 100+ degree heat. he just put on a bunch of his stuff onto the truck and ave my brother a ride in it. he said it was a little slow in first but then it took off, maybe he was spinning or something...

but i do have to admit that lightnings are very cool.

oh, and the local TR guru and friend said that he will help me tune the car before i race him...you would think that this is the highlight of my whole summer... :D it seems like ever summer i have to start a whole new project, i hope i dont have to come up with a new project every summer my WHOLE LIFE!!! but then again i guess that wouldnt be too bad.
