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2014 Buick vs Ford shoot out


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Active Member
Dec 31, 2001
Attn TTA owners. We need you at next years 2014 Buick vs Ford shoot out in Noble Oklahoma. In past years at least 2 or more would show up to help team Buick against the fords. This year sadly there were no TTAs or even older gran sports for that matter. Please sign up on the commitment list under 2014 buick vs ford in the national racing section. We need more cars or this 20 year tradition is in danger of dying. We got slaughtered this year 47 to 22 because of lack of participation. Please tell a friend and bring a car next year.

Thanks, Luke
TTT 7 weeks and counting we need participation. If your in the Midwest area, please check out this event.
TTT 7 weeks and counting we need participation. If your in the Midwest area, please check out this event.
This event is a Damn good time and I hope everyone that can make it will, im looking forward to seeing some TTAs kicking Ford A$$
I remember one year back in the late 90s when there at least 8 to 10 TTA's that showed up to the shootout. They ended up all lining up by the track for a photoshoot. Man those were good times.
I remember one year back in the late 90s when there at least 8 to 10 TTA's that showed up to the shootout. They ended up all lining up by the track for a photoshoot. Man those were good times.
I would love to see something like that
They are very relaxed with the Nora rules. Most of the fords that show up are definetly not legal. If you were concerned you could always qualify with a low 11 or high 10 and then on the final race, let the demons out.
Sorry I should have spelled checked that last post. It should have read NHRA rules.
I would try but I am no where near legal
Come on out! It is such a great event. Been going since 01. That's what a lot of people do, they run hard then let off or just qualify once and then for the race turn it up.
We would love to have some TTA's this year. Love to see them fly down the track! Besides it is just fun to beat a ford:happy: