stock map sensor is a 2BAR, and it can read 2 BAR ... 1BAR vac to 1 BAR pressure ...BAR is metric equivalent for 1 atmosphere or in english measure 14.7psi so you can read ~15psi vac and 15psi pressure with it
and it has nothing to do with bigger turbos since the stock is plenty capable of running at over 15psi
the 2 bar map on a stock ecu isnt connected to the computer , its only function is to provide a signal for the indash boost gauge and can only read up to 15psi which was fine for the settings as the car left the factory ....installing a 3bar in its place will do nothing for performance ,it will make the gauge read incorrectly (if it reads correctly which most dont ) and will lighten your wallet by about 75 clams
3bar map sensor just adds 1BAR to its range to the pressure side so you could read boost to ~30psi (if you had a gauge calibrated for such)
now if you have alkycontrol alky injection the 3bar is used for reference to drive the alky pump faster or slower allowing for controlled spray up to ~30psi
if you have a power logger the 3bar allows logging boost to ~30psi
if you have an aftermarket ecm like fast, xfi , dfi ,maftpro or powerlogger and turbotweak SD which can run in speed density (no MAF based fueling) the 3bar map is needed to run over 15psi because the cars fueling will be controlled in part by the map sensor