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6.0 GenIII swapped camaro


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turbo nasty

Turbo Dojo / MNTR
Jul 19, 2001
Chatting with a coworker about racing cars and had this race pop back in my mind.
Was several years back when i was living in the MS coast area and during Cruisin' the Coast a few hundred cars showed up at a Sonic/hang out to go and play a lil.
This random guy checks out my car and comes up and calls me out for a couple a hundred bucks. At that point I have no idea what he is driving and when I ask he says, "Oh its my wifes car" and then snickers a lil and his wife was a smoking hot blond bombshell mind you but i didnt think anymore about it.
I asked to see it and we walk over and theres is a 4th gen camaro with as fat of ET Street as you could fit in the stock wheel wells.
Unfortunately, I was in dire need of new drag radials as mine where darn near wore out and would hook 2 outta 5 launches as I was working outta town and money was spread thin.
So im straight up and tell him im gonna spin and we can go if i get a car and the hit and no cash cause I was broke as a joke.
He went off the deep in saying its a stock wore out motor and it dont hook and all this and that and really wanted to run for money. I unfortunately just didnt have the bread at the time so we decided not to run and just went about our way mingling back in the crowd.
Fast forward a hour or so and good freind and his 9 sec GN locked horns with a SBC nitrous backhalved S10. And a group of us in several cars drove behind to watch and me and a freind jumped in my car and followed.
My friend spanked the S10 and we are all cruising back in a pack back to the hangout and I see these headlights weaving through the pack and low and behold its the camaro andthe windows are rolled up (dark window tint) and it rolls along side and gears down.
We slow to about a 25 roll and I look over at my bud riding shotgun and say get ready we are gonna see what the ole Buick can do.
I start brake torquing and the camaro honks it off and we both go on the 3rd honk and the camaro gets a solid car on me from the jump and my car hooked decent and I come back up to the its fender at the top of 2nd and cant gain any ground and we shut it down around mid way through 3rd.
Camaro pulls back along side and its the guys wife driving and she is in there by herself and is all smiles and my bud and I are both dumbfonded thats shes was driving as we both thought he was kidding about his wifes car and she says that was fun wanna go again..of course I said yes!!!
So we go from another slow roll and this time I got the jump by a fender or so and stayed there through through 3rd so the cars were fairly close in performance.
Probably one of the coolest races I have been in simply form the surprise factor of a smoking hot cupcake driving and knowing how to drive the car dam good.
We got back to the hangout and the guy was laughing and came over and said his wife said teh reaction on our faces when we saw it was her was pricelees. And we both gave props to each other and he was suprised my car stayed with him. Thats when the truth came out that it was a 6.0 with a cam swap and had fully built rear and suspension in the back.