Mr Spool,I only see a few different turbos available on the hpt website.
Their 7675 rated for 1200 and is on par with several other companies out there that have released their new designs.
Their 6466 is rated at 950 off their own website
Which is on par with other turbo manufacturers as well and also
Available in 3 bolt which is cool.
Since there is 0 info on if it's a new design compressor wheel or just what is already out their and available as well as the turbine wheel design it might be hard for some people to purchase,but in truth I have never meet a 64 billet wheel I didnt like.
Also when it breaks who is repairing it?
I like a 4 year warranty though![]()
I talked to Mike Licht about some of the same questions you have about the new turbo- his reply concerning the issues you brought up was- they are working on a 6766, 6768, or a 6770 turbo design as well which should be release soon. Concerning the compressor/turbine wheel- they are a totally different design from any of the past wheels used on Buick turbos according to Mike Licht. Hopefully we will see some significant improvement as for as reliability and performance.
Haulz A