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84/85 editing software?


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Jun 22, 2001
Is there some kind of software somewhere out there to edit 84/85 chips? There has to be something. If not, is there a spec sheet that I can use so I can edit things in hex, and then later make a program to edit the 84/85 chips?
I have the 84/85 docs somewhere around here. I don't even know if I can lay my hands on them.

In comparison, the 86/87 docs are about 4 times thicker than the 84/85s. That's how much more advanced the later model ECM is. In all honest you would be better off making the conversion and using the spreadsheet on GNTTYPE.ORG or one of the "Chips in a box" packages.
Oh, I would really like to convert to the later ECM, but I don't have the funds to shell out for a new maf and translator. If I could find the info somewhere on how to make the 86/87 ecm to use the earlier maf I would do it in a second. I think all I have to do is change the maf count tables, but I don't have the readings for the earlier maf.
JayC is the guy to talk to then...he can burn you a 86/7 chip using the 84/5 MAF to use in the 86/7 ecm...just use your 84/5 MAF and go...

The 86/7 ecm can be picked up at a U-Pull-It yard for about $25...just swap in your Calpak(small chip) from your 84/5 ecm and put the new big chip in...Buy the MAT sensor upgrade harness and MAT(or scrounge around at the salvage yard and get the MAT from the car that you get the ecm from) from Casper's(something like $30), and you're good to go...Then later when you get the money, then get the MAF translater and ImpSS MAF, and have the chip reburned and you're all set...

Along with being able to run the 86/7 chips, you'll be able to get alot more info on scantools and the ability to be able to have the ecm control an electric fan(if you decide to put one on later)

Hope this helps...
Boy, I'm really starting to sound picky here. The reason I bought the chip programmer is that it's something I can tinker with for a long time without spending any money. I really would kinda like to learn to program the things from the ground up.

I hope that my prices will be that good from the yard, I live in wyoming, and I definately don't have a local U pullit. Its gonna be hard to explain that I would like the ecm, fan relay, mat harness and sensor.

Intercooling this car has shown to be much more expensive than I had planned.
Basically, just tell them you want a 1227148 ecm out of an 86/7 fwd car with the 3.8L motor in it...You can buy the MAT harness from Casper's Electronics in Mundelein, IL for like $25...The MAT sensor itself could probably also come from the same car you get the ecm from...The ecm really doesn't use the MAT for a whole lot of correction factors in the code...Actually, when using TurboLink w/boost sensing harness, you unplug the MAT sensor and plug in the boost sensing stuff and the car will run fine w/o the MAT sensor...If you don't have the MAT sensor plugged in, it will just set a malfunction code in the ecm, but the car really won't run that much different...

Go here for info on the MAT adapter harness from Casper's...
It is all the way at the bottom of the page...

Casper's also has the fan relay kit for the 84/5s which is a piece of cake to install as well, but needs the 86/7 ecm to control it...You don't even need to run wires through the firewall for the fan upgrade kit, the kit uses existing wiring that isn't used to trigger the fan...It is listed on the same page...$79 but is pretty much a plug and play...very easy to install...

The key to swapping to the 86/7 ecm is that when you do go with the 86/7 MAF, you will be able to use all the information that is posted about the chip code to be able to program your own chips...There really isn't that much(if any) info on the 84/5 chip code out there...All the TurboBuick specific chip burning software out there is geared toward the 86/7 code and doesn't support the 84/5s...You may even be able to get by with playing around with different parameters and get it to work with the hybrid 86/7 ecm using the 84/5 MAF...But it all boils down to switching to the 86/7 ecm...

I've done both of these and it is the best bang for the buck that I have spent on a "hotair" car...

Hope this helps you some...
I started doing a spreadsheet kinda deal, but never finished it. I got the timing tables all figgered out, and a couple other things.

I guess I can send you a copy of what I have so far. But then I'd haveta kill you :)