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87 Regal owners manual


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Wanna buy my owners manual? :D Actaully, as stupid as it sounds I would feel bad letting mine go even for that much.
If your looking for a owners manual,I have a couple of extras I will sell you one for 30.00 shipped?:D
You're not serious are you? How much does an 87 Regal owners manual typcally go for?

I know they can sell for up to around 30.00 and higher,just depends on the person and demand,but I have several ,so letting someone else that doesnt have one for a few bucks is no big deal,I hate how people try to over inflate the price of stuff just because they think its worth your right arm,but when those people need to buy something thats hard to get and someone has several,so to speak there the first ones to bitch about the price,Ive always tried to help everyone out and maybe one day I will need a favor and that person will remember.:D
If they are in good shape, I'll take one if you your are still wish to sell.

sure its in really good shape,no pages are ripped out or anything,if you want i can send you a pic,just pm me and let me know thanks...
oe manuals

In 2001, I contacted Helm,Inc. about a manual for our cars.They referred me to a third party, due to the age of the car. I bought what this individual was offering for $200 or so, and recieved about 30 pounds of loose pages that included everything on every car Buick sold in 1987.I bought a couple of the biggest binders I could find,and made a huge manual set for our cars.I still have 15 pounds of pages I'll never use, pretty hard to find anyone else who needs it either.
Be careful of what you buy. This individual took the opportunity to dump all that extra stuff on me at an inflated price.,without explaining the format it would arrive in.
Today, I use computer diagnostic info,and I would advise others to buy the online access to Alldata for their specific car. I think it runs about $30 for a year's access. You can't beat that deal, considering what they charge we shopowners per month for full access to their stuff.
That guy is NUTS !!! plane and simple. Hell Iv'e got a brand spanking new one even singed by Molly I'd gladly take $200 for.
In 2001, I contacted Helm,Inc. about a manual for our cars.They referred me to a third party, due to the age of the car. I bought what this individual was offering for $200 or so, and recieved about 30 pounds of loose pages that included everything on every car Buick sold in 1987.I bought a couple of the biggest binders I could find,and made a huge manual set for our cars.I still have 15 pounds of pages I'll never use, pretty hard to find anyone else who needs it either.
Be careful of what you buy. This individual took the opportunity to dump all that extra stuff on me at an inflated price.,without explaining the format it would arrive in.
Today, I use computer diagnostic info,and I would advise others to buy the online access to Alldata for their specific car. I think it runs about $30 for a year's access. You can't beat that deal, considering what they charge we shopowners per month for full access to their stuff.

You're talking a WAY DIFFERENT animal here for the $200. This would certainly be the 2-Volume set of Buick SERVICE manuals--NOT Owner's Manual. You could likely place 6-10 Owner's Manuals in your glovebox (don't know as I don't have one). As you found out, the Service Manuals are loose-leaf pages, usually found in HUGE binders and, probably only 8.3% of the total pages pertain to the Turbo6/GN/G-body...

BTW, I have a 1986 Volume II Service Manual (about 6" thick & no binder) I'll "reasonably" part with if anyone's interested (just PM)...

Some of these guys kill me with little things they think are are worth the gross national debt of a third world country,I know a few months back I was looking for a stock set of wheels for gn and found a set on craigslist,they were garbage and the guy still wanted 800.00 for them,I told him I would have a hard time paying 400.00 and he laughed at me,got phone call from him a couple weeks back and he said he would take the 400.00 I offered,but I was the one who got the last laugh,:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: Told him no thanks found a better set with tires for the same price.
Seen couple on Ebay NOS one for $31.31 and $32.99 both free shipping item #142683188037 / #313506163851. I think that's a fair price in new condition, wouldn't sell mine for less