I've only managed about 75 miles on the TH400 so far but thus far it has been light years better than the 200 that came out of the car. Zero flare issues and the same firm shifts every time. I don't do a lot of highway driving with it so OD isn't that big of an issue, plus my car has 3.27's in it. I can still do 60+ on the highway, probably could hit 70 if it was a lock up converter. The car launches equally well with the TH400 vs the stock 200 also. I have nothing negative to say about it really.
edit: well there is one negative, where it runs a little better now without the flaring and what not I need to invest in some subframe connectors!
edit: well there is one negative, where it runs a little better now without the flaring and what not I need to invest in some subframe connectors!