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Aagh, alky injecting all the time!


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Oct 5, 2009
This car is killing me.Turned on the ignition yesterday, heard an unfamilar noise from the engine bay and found the alky was injecting straight of the ignition:eek:
What fault would cause that?
I ran the car today and it was idling horribly and found that it was doing it again. If I turn the alky off, then back on again it drives fine with alky on demand as it should.
Hi Razor, your kit. I installed it a couple of months back without issue. Just had this problem these last two days. That said, on a long cross country trip last month I noted that the red alky light would come on now and again. That soon stopped so i assumed all was well.
The car is a 1986 GN
Hi Razor, your kit. I installed it a couple of months back without issue. Just had this problem these last two days. That said, on a long cross country trip last month I noted that the red alky light would come on now and again. That soon stopped so i assumed all was well.
The car is a 1986 GN

Unplug the 3 bar map and see if the problem goes away. Do not race the car as it wont inject alcohol. Just drive it and see if there are no more issues.

The two conditions that make the kit spray are
1) Press test button
2) Voltage on MAP wire exceeding turnon setting.

So if your not pushing the test button, then the problem is coming from the MAP. It doesnt mean the MAP is bad, it could be as simple as it is losing ground. So if you unplug it, it eliminates that variable.

If it still sprays with the map unplugged... then could be a bad test button or issue with the controller. But we need to start with the easy stuff.. cars with 25 year old electrical systems are what they are ;)
Do a quick visual on teh pump mounting bracket. A few months back mine was loose and the red light would flicker and such
OK guys, will do. Just a quick question. If the MAP is losing ground I take it you mean I may have a bad earth to the MAP sensor. If so, please remind me which color wire is the ground and i'll check it carefully.
OK guys, will do. Just a quick question. If the MAP is losing ground I take it you mean I may have a bad earth to the MAP sensor. If so, please remind me which color wire is the ground and i'll check it carefully.

Earth is black on the MAP sensor.
OK, I unplugged the MAP sensor and drove the car. when warm and at idle I pressed the test button and the alky sprayed. If I kept the button pressed the car would start to stall and the 02s rise.

Secondly and maybe relevant...
Car is an '86 GN which pulls voltage from the TPS to the MAP sensor.In threads elsewhere i've been trying to pinpoint a backfire/breakdown under hard throttle. Is it possible that this issue and the alky issue could be connected given that I tapped into the TPS wiring?
OK, I unplugged the MAP sensor and drove the car. when warm and at idle I pressed the test button and the alky sprayed. If I kept the button pressed the car would start to stall and the 02s rise.

Secondly and maybe relevant...
Car is an '86 GN which pulls voltage from the TPS to the MAP sensor.In threads elsewhere i've been trying to pinpoint a backfire/breakdown under hard throttle. Is it possible that this issue and the alky issue could be connected given that I tapped into the TPS wiring?

I bet you have a poor connection to the black wire on the MAP. Whether at the MAP plug or where ever its attached too. When I install the kit I do the wiring for the 3 bar behind the dash. Like this:

Connections to the MAP sensor are critical connections. You lose MAP sensor= no alky. Very critical. They must be soldered, clean, protected, etc. The life of the engine relies on it. Shortcuts or poor wiring practices will sooner or latter show themselves..
Is it possible that this issue and the alky issue could be connected given that I tapped into the TPS wiring?

Yes I'd say its very possible. A few days ago I posted on a thread that I was getting weird TPS readings with key on engine off because the ECM terminals were corroded. What I didnt mention was that my MAP is also tied into the TPS for its 5 volt reference. So my alky was injecting as soon as i turned the key on, because of the skewed TPS volts. I think it was .71 or .91 volts key on....enough to make my car not start because the alky was drowning it out.

You should be able to watch on your scan tool the TPS when your symptoms occur. Double check your connections at the ECM as it'll make your car do some weird electrical crap.
Thanks guys, the tPS reads right with key on/engine off, but when the car dives i'm too busy getting off the gas to note the TPS figure. THat said, its not reading over 4 volts because my recall button has nothing to display.
Razor, i spliced and soldered all connections as suggested, but didi min in the engine bay. I'll check it all again this weekend.