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Alky as a cleaner


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New Member
Oct 10, 2001
I have a 98 Ford Exploder as my daily driver.

I am interested in using alky as a top engine cleaner. I am thinking about running a gallon or so in my next few tanks. Will this accomplish what I am looking to do here? I have an 18 gallon tank, so hwo much alky should I use, and what type? Is there any harmfull effects that could come from this, i.e., any damage to my fuel system? :confused:

Thanks in advance for any help. I only felt comfortable asking the experts on this topic.
try a quart of mineral spirts and 4oz of marvels mystery oil , will clean your fuel system like magic.......
I wouldn't run alcohol in the gas tank. Another thing you could do is pick up 5 gallons of Zylene. Add 1/2 of it to a tankful of gas and repeat. Should be helpful, clean injectors, and do no harm. ;)
Guys that run alchy claim it steams the carbon off the pistons, and other surfaces in the intake track. You could run the window washing fluid into the intake and get steamed cleaned in no time...:p

No big deal, just take the wiper blades off for a day, a sunny day that is. :)