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alky in a hot air


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New Member
Jun 20, 2002
Anyone running an alcohol kit in a hot air? I have an '85 GN mostly stock. ANy suggestions.? Thanks
If anything alcohol is MORE effective in a hot air. The only thing different is the installation of the nozzle, there have been several posts about how to do it in this particular forum.
If you run enough alky you'll have intercooled like inlet temps and high octane all in one package. I removed my intercooler and get inlet temps below what a stock mount a2a could do, and I'm running 26-27 psi on 92 octane.

No track results yet, but I've got some log from 55-120 mph which are faster than when I was running a FM & 110 octane, turning 11.0's in the 1/4.
Dayuum! You sound like Bruce with this stuff. What in he heck are you doing taking the intercooler out of the mix? How can the intercooler be a bad thing?

I'm willing to believe this, but how, in theory, can this be? There can be no argueing with the results, but how is this possible?

Inquiring minds need to know...Spill it! :)
Even though it is faster with more alky and no IC, wouldnt it be faster with alky AND an IC?
In sytyland aftermarket intercoolers either don't work well, or cost a ton, create cooling problems, and don't fit well. I tried KB's stock mount intercooler, it worked a bit better than stock, but no real gains. Next I tried the CAS ($1500) FM, worked much better, but didn't fit well, caused cooling problems, and spool up was a little lazy with the pte63 and 2800 stall.

Here are some benefits IMO to a hotair/alky type setup.

1. No pressure loss.

2. Spools extremely fast, makes it fun to drive, feels like a big block.

3. No heat soak.

4. Allows me to run a lot more alky without pulling fuel out of the chip. Not sure this is a real benefit, but it has made tuning the system a snap. When I was running the FM intercooler I was using 2 - .8 mm aquamist nozzles and bogging the motor down, now I'm running 4 - 1 mm nozzles, turning on at 1-3 psi, with no bog what so ever.

5. Cleans up engine compartment.

6. Inexpensive. This is my main goal. Building a 10 second combo for syty's like no other, currently I'm using lots of stock parts,
very close to what the buick guys use. Personally I woundn't be happy with a $10,000(in mods)/10 second combo, a $5000/10 second combo sounds about right.
so what if i take my IC off my buick and stick on my alky kit and tune it? will it better/faster than before?
Probably not. It would have faster spool and be more consistent in back to back runs possibly
what? no fair. his SYTY gets to do w/o his intercooler and pushes 23 lbs of boost and i got to stick with mine and run alcy to get the same results? i might try taking off my IC while tuning sometime.
So what is the correct spot to put the nozzle on a hotair I'am thinking of making a kit.
Originally posted by burnout
So what is the correct spot to put the nozzle on a hotair I'am thinking of making a kit.
The turbo to intake adaptor right after the turbo is the easiest spot.