Yeah that's a good idea. I was thinking along the same lines. After doing some research, it looks like a gas solenoid used to supplement the fuel flow in NOS systems could be an alternative.
One could shut off the stock fuel pump. and activate the aux. fuel pump, and with a 'T' connection, and a gas soledoid, inject C116 into the fuel rail. (naturally you need a tank, and pump to do this) Problem is the left over C116 would get re-circulated into the original gas tank (not a totally bad thing) .
Off the bat this looks like a fairly inexpensive way to boost octane for those 'special times'.
BTW the solenoid costs $100.
Also I found a Mitsubishi set up that includes a sender, fuel pump, and fuel pressure regulator that one could adapt to a fuel cell. I don't know the cost on that yet..
Seems like that if you were to shut the stock pump off, all the C-116 would make into the fuel rail at 100 percent of it's octane. It would be interesting to know how much of it would get recirculated back into the tank of the original fuel system.
Now if we could find a valve to shut the recirculating line off,.. on demand..., the system could deliver all the C-116 to the injectors.
Now that would be cool!