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Anniversary TA


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Buick Beginner

Where is my $$$ going?
Nov 9, 2001
It seems to get harder and harder to get someone to line up these days without driving clear across town to get some action. However, my patience was rewarded tonight for a change. BTW, it's gotten so bad that I've resorted to waiting in bank parking lots for prospects to go by, then following them. Anyway, I'd been looking for about 20 minutes with nothing even close, until I heard some loud duals turning into the Taco Bell, it was a TA, all white with blue writing all over it as well as some racing stickers. As best I could tell it was a 25th anniversary pace car. I suppose that puts it at a 1994. I guess I'm a bad boy cause I waited for him to go through the drive through and then followed him out of the parking lot, I think I was pretty discrete about it. Anyhow, I almost lost him in some light traffic, but as we both broke out of the traffic I knew ahead there was a string of redlights spaced about 1/2 mile apart. Incredibly enough, we both caught the first light. What luck, that never seems to line up just right for me, but it did tonight. I did'nt want to power brake it up and go for the juggler so when the light turned green I eased into, then I heard his exhaust come to life big time. I knew it was time to punch it. We were about dead even until I came into boost, I had him by 1/2 car length at the top of first, by the top of second I had stretched it to 2 car lengths and then mid way through third it was all over but the crying, I just went ahead and started slowing down. I waited for him to give him another try but the slower I went, the slower he went. Then when he was almost up to me again, he bangs a quick right. Oh well, I got my fix for the week. - BB :p
sounds borderline stalking to me :)
no worries i do the same thing...chill out at the gas station for a few minutes just hoping something drives by :)

anyway, nice kill, there were 2 aniv TA's with blue stripes, 94 and 99, the 99's have the blue alum wheels, 94's i believe had white?????? maybe chrome.
Originally posted by TylerDurden

anyway, nice kill, there were 2 aniv TA's with blue stripes, 94 and 99, the 99's have the blue alum wheels, 94's i believe had white?????? maybe chrome.

the Original Trans Am and others to follow before the huge hood birds were white with blue stripes( I think to 72) or Blue with white stripe
The 84 was white with blue stripes and white wheels
the 94 was white with blue stripes and white wheels
the 99 was white with blue stripes and Blue wheels

Oh and the 84 had the 155HP 305
the 94 had the 275hp LT1
99 had the 325hp LS1 Ram Air
Good kill

I've spent 2 hours driving around on Saturday nights for the last 3 weeks and nothing. :mad: Well, one rustang, but like I said, he had nothing.:D Maybe next week I'll try the "wait at the gas station" technic (AKA Stalking). :D

Happy Huntin'.
hey now 84 TransAm had 190hp!!! not 155 lol not that it would make much difference just had to stick up for my old car.

You are right it was 190, for some reason I was thinking it had the other 305 in it.
Originally posted by Kyle F
the Original Trans Am and others to follow before the huge hood birds were white with blue stripes( I think to 72) or Blue with white stripe
The 84 was white with blue stripes and white wheels
the 94 was white with blue stripes and white wheels
the 99 was white with blue stripes and Blue wheels

Oh and the 84 had the 155HP 305
the 94 had the 275hp LT1
99 had the 325hp LS1 Ram Air

Didnt the 94's have one stripe on the hood, and the 99's have 2?
Too funny

I think we are all stalkers. I went out stalking last night and could only find a Harley to race. Yes I did beat him. Its better than racing a Geo though.
Originally posted by Buick Beginner
It seems to get harder and harder to get someone to line up these days without driving clear across town to get some action. However, my patience was rewarded tonight for a change. BTW, it's gotten so bad that I've resorted to waiting in bank parking lots for prospects to go by, then following them. Anyway, I'd been looking for about 20 minutes with nothing even close, until I heard some loud duals turning into the Taco Bell, it was a TA, all white with blue writing all over it as well as some racing stickers. As best I could tell it was a 25th anniversary pace car. I suppose that puts it at a 1994. I guess I'm a bad boy cause I waited for him to go through the drive through and then followed him out of the parking lot, I think I was pretty discrete about it. Anyhow, I almost lost him in some light traffic, but as we both broke out of the traffic I knew ahead there was a string of redlights spaced about 1/2 mile apart. Incredibly enough, we both caught the first light. What luck, that never seems to line up just right for me, but it did tonight. I did'nt want to power brake it up and go for the juggler so when the light turned green I eased into, then I heard his exhaust come to life big time. I knew it was time to punch it. We were about dead even until I came into boost, I had him by 1/2 car length at the top of first, by the top of second I had stretched it to 2 car lengths and then mid way through third it was all over but the crying, I just went ahead and started slowing down. I waited for him to give him another try but the slower I went, the slower he went. Then when he was almost up to me again, he bangs a quick right. Oh well, I got my fix for the week. - BB :p

I always get a kick out of all these guys who take a loss so personally. Like you were insulting his penis size or something. I love the whole psychology of racing. I've read so many times on this board where guys on the board here beat someone and they give you the finger, or guys on this board get beat and give the thumbs up to the winner but still get the finger. What the hell is it with these kids? They're cars man, not extensions of your penis. Get a life! A little fun is all it is, what'd you think you were the fastest car on the road? :rolleyes:

Good kill "stalker". :p
Originally posted by gndriver
Hey TurboJorge I'll race you ;)

When ever your ready bud. ;)

Cool, someone from Hialeah. You wouldn't by chance work in IHOP on 49th street? I saw a nice GN parked their for more than 12 hours a couple weeks ago.

Shoot me an E-mail and we'll talk.