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Any MMA trainees/Pro's on here?


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six offender
Feb 10, 2002
I just started my MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) training at 34 yrs old,too old I know.

Anybody else on here doing MMA training?

My classes are a mix of Japanese Jiu jitsu, BJJ, Sambo, Muay Thai, some savate and Krav maga stuf here and there.

I am training Gi and no Gi jiu jitsu, Vale Tudo, and of course UFC style MMA.

Just started so I am not up on the terminology yet.

I think in six months time I will be in the greatest shape of my life.

After a year or two,maybe even try doing a local cage match,just to say I did it. You only live once!

I have trained with many instructors.

I have trained since 1996 in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Lots of fun traveling around competing in tournaments and seminars. I have trained with Royce, Rickson, Renzo, Ralph Gracie, Gokor, Gene Lebell, Mario Sperry,Frank Shamrock...

BJJ is very addicting. I use to practice 2-4 hours everyday for a while. That is till I started messing w/ my TTA. This cars are more addicting. But back to the subject, you will think about moves,combo's,escapes and even try to make your own moves every minute of each

Staying two to three moves ahead is ideal. Keep practicing. Conditioning is the key. Remember, you can have the fastest car in the world. You don't put gas in it, it won't go nowhere.

Are you planning on competing? Any questions feel free to ask.
I train at Arlington MMA. I train BJJ and Muay Thai, I got my orange belt in BJJ but would like be a black belt someday


True it is very addicting. I have only been training for a week and I look forward to it every day.

The more i think about it I would really like to compete sometime,as long as its in a class that i belong in. I know I'll never be good enough for something like the UFC,but there are some good local events.

My instructor has trained with alot of people,I know Carlos Machado was one of them.

I am going to an event this saturday to watch him compete,it is a full contact MMA event.

I never was big into the UFC stuff,but this has opened my eyes to the dedication these men have for the sport. I am learning all I can as fast as I can about it.
I trained for many years in MMA. I've trained with many fighters like Shonie Carter/Terry Martin/Brain Gassaway. I've taken seminars from guys like Tto Ortiz/Randy Couture/Eddie Bravo/ and Marcelo Garcia. Everyone is right it's additive and your going to start thinking of moves in your sleep. All I do now is jiu jitsu and if I were you and going to do an MMA fight I would get three books Mastering The Rubber Guard/Mastering The Twister by Eddie Bravo and the X Guard by Marcelo Garcia. Best no gi grappling guys out there. You could also pick up there DVDs.
I wanted to train but have not had the time or money.
I have been to AKA and to Fairtex.
I took a intro class a Fairtex with a pro MT fighter.
That was the hardest hour of my life (physically)
It was hard to keep my hands up to block at the end.
It was a nice ego boost when they let my kick the heavy bag.
I was cracking it loud another the other pro walked over to watch.
Then I retired to the car and tried to catch my breath and not throw up..LOL
Wow, my post does not make sense.
I should not type when I am this tired.
I trained for many years in MMA. I've trained with many fighters like Shonie Carter/Terry Martin/Brain Gassaway. I've taken seminars from guys like Tto Ortiz/Randy Couture/Eddie Bravo/ and Marcelo Garcia. Everyone is right it's additive and your going to start thinking of moves in your sleep. All I do now is jiu jitsu and if I were you and going to do an MMA fight I would get three books Mastering The Rubber Guard/Mastering The Twister by Eddie Bravo and the X Guard by Marcelo Garcia. Best no gi grappling guys out there. You could also pick up there DVDs.

+1 Marcelo Garcia.

I went to a seminar Rochester in 07 to see Marcelo Garcia. Truly Amazing.
It's like wrestling with a wet blanket made of iron.;)
+1 Marcelo Garcia.

I went to a seminar Rochester in 07 to see Marcelo Garcia. Truly Amazing.
It's like wrestling with a wet blanket made of iron.;)

Right. It was astonishing to watch him do an arm drag fall to his butt then hop up onto his sparring partners back who was still standing but off balance with no effort and do a choke. Victory Belt Publishing is supposed to come out with a book of his called Arm Drags and Back Attacks
MMA is awesome! I got my first Black Belt when I was 17 (not MMA), was a self defense instructor in the Army for years. That was before MMA was even heard of. I used a mix style of TKD, Boxing, with a limited amount of ground work, mainly wrestling. BJJ is awesome. I did not know enough on the ground to be competitive today, even at my prime. My only claim to fame was being all korean hvy wt TKD champion from 1983 thru 85. Just had a total knee replacement in June.....hmmmm wonder how my knees got so screwed up....:rolleyes: Below is an old shot of me doing a useless flying side kick at about 215lbs.......Yep Bruce Lee was my Hero growing up......I'm getting freaking old....but I can still bite! :cool:

MMA is awesome! I got my first Black Belt when I was 17 (not MMA), was a self defense instructor in the Army for years. That was before MMA was even heard of. I used a mix style of TKD, Boxing, with a limited amount of ground work, mainly wrestling. BJJ is awesome. I did not know enough on the ground to be competitive today, even at my prime. My only claim to fame was being all korean hvy wt TKD champion from 1983 thru 85. Just had a total knee replacement in June.....hmmmm wonder how my knees got so screwed up....:rolleyes: Below is an old shot of me doing a useless flying side kick at about 215lbs.......Yep Bruce Lee was my Hero growing up......I'm getting freaking old....but I can still bite! :cool:


Dude, that is an awesome picture, thanks for sharing!!!
I just started my MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) training at 34 yrs old,too old I know.

Anybody else on here doing MMA training?

My classes are a mix of Japanese Jiu jitsu, BJJ, Sambo, Muay Thai, some savate and Krav maga stuf here and there.

I am training Gi and no Gi jiu jitsu, Vale Tudo, and of course UFC style MMA.

Just started so I am not up on the terminology yet.

I think in six months time I will be in the greatest shape of my life.

After a year or two,maybe even try doing a local cage match,just to say I did it. You only live once!

Too old?? say that to
im 33 Been training for about 4 years, two tears into it I went Semi - Pro won my first two and havnt fought since...Trained with alot of the Pro fighters< team Punchout and team quest...marc to wrestle with Kevin Randleman, hes a beast. Tito Ortiz and Jason Miller actually got me to start training. Tito was a bouncer at one of my good friends bar, Sal Garcia then he became is manager getting him his first fight in the UFC...Its an exciting career to be in, but since Spike TV every stupid kid walking the street thinks they can fight cause they seen it on tv. I love when they boo when the fighters are on the ground..they dont relize thats where the real skill comes in...dont get me wrong striking takes skill, but try getting out of a triangle or arm bar while also defending punches. Good luck in all your efforts...and keep your hands up!! ;)
I trained for many years in MMA. I've trained with many fighters like Shonie Carter/Terry Martin/Brain Gassaway. I've taken seminars from guys like Tto Ortiz/Randy Couture/Eddie Bravo/ and Marcelo Garcia. Everyone is right it's additive and your going to start thinking of moves in your sleep. All I do now is jiu jitsu and if I were you and going to do an MMA fight I would get three books Mastering The Rubber Guard/Mastering The Twister by Eddie Bravo and the X Guard by Marcelo Garcia. Best no gi grappling guys out there. You could also pick up there DVDs.

X2 Also check out or
you can find alot of books/dvd/videos/gear there!!!!
A friend I've known since age 5 used to be rated pretty high in MMA amateur ratings, but then got married:eek: , He recently opened up a MMA gym in RioRancho and seems to be a pretty good trainer. I think he'd agree with me and say that 34 isn't too old.
Too old?? say that to
im 33 Been training for about 4 years, two tears into it I went Semi - Pro won my first two and havnt fought since...Trained with alot of the Pro fighters< team Punchout and team quest...marc to wrestle with Kevin Randleman, hes a beast. Tito Ortiz and Jason Miller actually got me to start training. Tito was a bouncer at one of my good friends bar, Sal Garcia then he became is manager getting him his first fight in the UFC...Its an exciting career to be in, but since Spike TV every stupid kid walking the street thinks they can fight cause they seen it on tv. I love when they boo when the fighters are on the ground..they dont relize thats where the real skill comes in...dont get me wrong striking takes skill, but try getting out of a triangle or arm bar while also defending punches. Good luck in all your efforts...and keep your hands up!! ;)

Thanks for the encouragement.

I agree,it takes actually doing it to see the effort involvrd and understand the sport.

I actually now can watch a UFC fight and see the techniques being put to work,doesn't just look like guys grabbing arms anymore.

I have one book by Eddie Bravo now,it's just a beginners jiu jitsu book. i find it helps me to see the pictures and see the techniques I am learning when proper form is used.

I have seen the X-guard book and was thinking about picking it up. I believe I will now. I also saw that B.J. Pennhas one out called the book of knowledge.

My coach has been reading it and he said it is very enlightening,he said it has opened his eyes to alot of things.
I have one book by Eddie Bravo now,it's just a beginners jiu jitsu book. i find it helps me to see the pictures and see the techniques I am learning when proper form is used.

I have a friend who bought that Jiu Jitsu Unleashed book if thats the beginner book your talking about. Trust me pick up the other two much more technical.

Thats my friend Jason, Eddie, and me


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I have a friend who bought that Jiu Jitsu Unleashed book if thats the beginner book your talking about. Trust me pick up the other two much more technical.

Thats my friend Jason, Eddie, and me

Yep thats the one I have.

Going to get those others real soon.

Went to my first live fight here last night and that was exciting!