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Any power lifters or body builders here?


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Active Member
Dec 20, 2009
I have been working out at gym for 10 years now and want to go further with it. I have done 2 little local weight lifting competitions and did good but were just fund raiser events wich was fun. Last one i was 197 pounds and barely benched 495.That was in February. I tried bulking up to 225 till june to see if i could get more bench too but it didnt work. So im down to 210 and benching 465 no problem. I have tried 8 week power work out programs and nothing has changed. My goal is to drop to 200 and bench 500+ if i can. Any help? Or any other different training? Its a goal and i cant seem to get there.
Where r ur lifts failing? Down by the chest or r u having problems locking it out? What I used to so was just change my routine up a little. Body gets used to the same thing over and over. I did 315 at 148 I was failing up top so I put a piece of wood of my chest so it wouldn't go down all the way and did sets like that. I think it was like 315x5-6

But maybe Someone more into it will chime in ie coach or bison

Oya. This don't belong in the kill section either
And I thought being 215 and Benching 215 was good! I want to be able to bench 400+! I need to work harder lol.
Where r ur lifts failing? Down by the chest or r u having problems locking it out? What I used to so was just change my routine up a little. Body gets used to the same thing over and over. I did 315 at 148 I was failing up top so I put a piece of wood of my chest so it wouldn't go down all the way and did sets like that. I think it was like 315x5-6

But maybe Someone more into it will chime in ie coach or bison

Oya. This don't belong in the kill section either

I was doing 305 at 142 back in the good ol' days... almost killed myself while power lifting....left soulder blew out and my spotter....a Mustang owner:mad:.... lost his footing while trying to save me...
Off the chest is fine the last 3 inches before locking out is usually where my stick point is. I tried block and still use it. I change routine about every month and switch up workouts so body doesnt get used to it. My decline is stronger than incline or flat. I can do probably 40# more on that but it does hurt shoulders more so i stay away from going heavy on decline.

Didnt know what section to post it in sorry if it needs to be moved.
being able to lift more on decline is very normal. now what to do to increase ur bench...thats hard to say. Your numbers are very impressive for your size. I can usually help in these areas but your benching more than me and your lift to body weight ratio is much better than mine as well.
I usually do 4 sets of heavy weights after a warmup set So my bench day would look like this

Warm up with freeweights
185x10 slow ones
and then do 4 sets of 5(failure) and going down in wait accordingly so u keep failing at 5(untill u gain and u end up doing it 6 on one day) then go up weight
Maybe a change in my diet? Past 2 months i have nothing but protein except one day a week i load up on carbs. My last program we finished 3 weeks ago went like this for 8 weeks.

Monday- Chest 5 sets of 5 on flat starting at 315# then Incline 5 of 5 at 315#
Then back heavy as you can do 5 of 5 for 3 exercises end with shrugs
5 sets of 5 at 585#
Tuesday- Legs 5 of 5 squats at 365# then extensions 5 of 5 heavy as you can
go. Leg curls 5 of 5 heavy as can go. Then just hit lower back

Wednesday- Same as Monday
Thursday- Same as Tuesday
Friday- Same as Monday

So the next week would be 3 legs and 2 chest alternating every week and add 20# every week to each workout. It was a good workout but hard on joints. And on weekends if we went we would throw arms or shoulders in just normal weights.If we you cant get the 20# a week then go 10# which i had to do towards end to get 5 of 5 on chest.
I don't see nething about abs in there. I'm sure u no that without a strong core, urc bench will be worthless
That is a good point. I dont do abs much cause i have abs but that doesnt mean s*** if they aren't strong. I did them today with another workout partner cause he does them everyday. So maybe i will throw them in with a new strength program when i find one that isnt so tough on joints. Im going to do a max this week on all body parts see where im at then find a new one to start. Im just trying to find some more info from other trainers. My training partner is 53 years old and is great with my diet and training but is an old dog and doesn't like new tricks. So im secretely trying to find someone elses experience to help out.
When I power lifted I was doing a routine similar to the westside barbell club. I did one heavy bench day and one "speed day". Heavy day I would pyramid to 1 rep max using boards or heavy chains. Speed day would consist of light chain work and bands attached to the barbell. Chains really helped me push through the lockout point at the top where I used to stall. I was 260 benching 455. Not that impressive compared to people like Mendelson and Tony Conyers. I don't powerlift anymore. In January I felt like bench pressing but apparently my left titty didn't. Ripped it completely off the bone :eek:. I looked like I had a softball in my chest. I screamed, started sweating profusely, calmly got up, informed my spotters I was done for the day and would be on my way to the hospital. I then tipped my hat to them, calmly walked out of the gym, got in my truck and laughed/cried to the hospital. It was awesome.

Move to the lounge perhaps?
Over a decade ago when I was pretty serious about weight training I bought a book called "Dinosaur Training". I was a pretty good read and made a lot of sense to me.

I don't know how it stacks up against books available today, but it takes a old school approach to strengthening your core and naturally bringing up testosterone levels.

Dinosaur Training - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maybe a change in my diet? Past 2 months i have nothing but protein except one day a week i load up on carbs. My last program we finished 3 weeks ago went like this for 8 weeks.

Monday- Chest 5 sets of 5 on flat starting at 315# then Incline 5 of 5 at 315#
Then back heavy as you can do 5 of 5 for 3 exercises end with shrugs
5 sets of 5 at 585#
Tuesday- Legs 5 of 5 squats at 365# then extensions 5 of 5 heavy as you can
go. Leg curls 5 of 5 heavy as can go. Then just hit lower back

Wednesday- Same as Monday
Thursday- Same as Tuesday
Friday- Same as Monday

So the next week would be 3 legs and 2 chest alternating every week and add 20# every week to each workout. It was a good workout but hard on joints. And on weekends if we went we would throw arms or shoulders in just normal weights.If we you cant get the 20# a week then go 10# which i had to do towards end to get 5 of 5 on chest.

I feel that with this type of training are overtraining! The larger the muscle, the more rest it needs! I was a Kinesiology major in College and have been into weight training close to 10 years now.
There are many, many factors that could be affecting your progress(i.e. amount of sleep, calorie intake, stress, caffeine intake, protein intake, rest between reps, etc., etc.) You need to incorporate the power exercises (deadlifts (straight leg and normal, but deep) and power cleans). A strong core will make everything else stronger!!!
I feel that with this type of training are overtraining! The larger the muscle, the more rest it needs! I was a Kinesiology major in College and have been into weight training close to 10 years now.
There are many, many factors that could be affecting your progress(i.e. amount of sleep, calorie intake, stress, caffeine intake, protein intake, rest between reps, etc., etc.) You need to incorporate the power exercises (deadlifts (straight leg and normal, but deep) and power cleans). A strong core will make everything else stronger!!!

I think it was over training. I never got sore muscle wise but joints killed me everyday. My calorie intake i was trying to get 3000 to 4000 a day. I do both deadlifts but no power cleans. I will try that. Also i think i will start using chains again as someone else posted. I used them last year and it did help. Thanks guys for all the input its good to get other routines and methods. I will change it up and see the results.

This website has alot of routines from power lifting to body building.

I'm also stuck at a crossroad I don't know if I want to lift for looks or just to be able to say I can lift xxx amount weight.
Go for looks. It is rough on your body to go for weight. My training partner has had 3 shoulder surgeries in 4 years. I go for weight but im not a bulky guy like most i guess i burn fat off too easy even if i bulk up 20 pounds i stay lean. Im going to finish this year and try to get my bench over 500 then no more heavy weights.
Go for looks. It is rough on your body to go for weight. My training partner has had 3 shoulder surgeries in 4 years. I go for weight but im not a bulky guy like most i guess i burn fat off too easy even if i bulk up 20 pounds i stay lean. Im going to finish this year and try to get my bench over 500 then no more heavy weights.

I stopped strength training with max weight and pyramiding years ago due to all the shoulder problems I was having. Other joints were hurting too much also...I was on a steady diet of anti inflamatories...:rolleyes:

I now work with moderate weight and more reps....frequently I will only do one set of 20 reps (sometimes more reps at even lighter weight), and I don't push to failure any more. More of a circuit training mode.
I also spend a lot more time on cardio than I used to since my joints don't hurt any more.

Usually on the bench, I won't lift any more than 185....occasionally if I'm feeling snotty.... I'll do a set at 205lbs.

I weigh in at a reasonably solid 210 these days (down from a high of 223) but am trying to get my weight down to 200....carrying a little extra around the center section....