Anybody a Dentist. Need some help with decision


Aug 6, 2001
Went to the Dentist yesterday and the news wasn't good...They suggested a whole SLEW of stuuf be done, I was just wondering what alot of it was and how drastic some of the services are. The total bill is huge and I don't want to pay for things that are simply cosmetic or aren't needed.

ALSO, what the hell do people do for Dental insurance if their employer doesn't provide it? I checked and the rates are rediculous or the the plans suck...

Send me a PM and I'll explain the various procedures in as much detail as you can tolerate. ;)
Hey Scott. Read your e-mail. Let me know a time and number I can call you at and I'll go through it with you. Easier that way. Later.

I was just checking these dental plans out yesterday, they're actually thru K-mart...In checking on prices, they're roughly half what my dentist was charging me for the same services, and there were LOTS of participating dentists in my area, maybe this will help out?
I've been making my dentist's BMW car payments for a couple years now! 7 crowns in 2 years!:D Good luck.
Well, not legally. But I did take the home-study do-it-yourself dentistry course in 12 easy steps. And I have seen every Three Stooges episode involving dentists and dentistry. So what do you need done? However much your dentist is charging, I'll do it for 10% of his cost.
Thanks guys...

BFH, yeah, I looked at those too...with the expense limit, they would hardly dent my proposed bill. Another thing I noticed, with the listed services & rates, my Dentist charges close to the "discounted" rates anyway. They are still under consideration. I'm going to ask Dean about them when I speak to him.

DEAN - you have mail...

Thanks guys!
Lyonsd - You're on! But I've never seen the three stooges do a root canal or bridge. DAMN those 12 step programs!

Does a soldering iron work for fillings?
Originally posted by zam70
Lyonsd - You're on! But I've never seen the three stooges do a root canal or bridge.

Sure they have! "Looks like we're gonna have to blast!"

Does a soldering iron work for fillings?

Only one way to find out!
I do know Black Max by Loctite works for fillings.

Guy in the lab. fixed his teeth with that stuff, did the work himself. :eek:

Of course it is black to match the rest of his teeth. :D

He's gone now, moved to Oregon.