Anybody for Jordan Lake this SAturday(7-9-05)??


May 24, 2001
What is everybody's schedule for this Saturday? Anybody up for Jordan Lake - Vista Point access this Saturday? Let's hear it!
I'm in Oregon at the moment, I'll probably be in Colorado next weekend. So, I am not going to make this one... :(
I'll actually be off and no car-related issues for once. any particular time????
hey cheryl

hey cheryl

I'm in just give me the word and i'm there :)
Let's see who all can come, before we nail it down. We should do 10 or 11am, I lean for the early side so we can grab the last shelter on the left(the one we used to go to). It has a better(paved) parking area, closer to restrooms and the lake.
Gary, just bring what you want to throw on the grill. I'm bringing charcoal, plates, cups, napkins, and some chili, slaw and mustard, ketchup. Don't know what kind of turnout we will have, but I posted on SyTy and GMMOC as well. I will post on the other TurboBuick boards as well. See ya Saturday, I will be there by 11am at the LAST shelter on the left!
I' m in.

Hey Gary do you have any valve covers for sale like the ones that have BUICK on them?