Anybody have an Autobahn kill story with a GN or TTA?


You've gotta try this!
Sep 2, 2001
I'm living here in Germany with an anemic VW Golf that has a mind-boggling 52HP. I didn't bring my GN over here and every time I hear that VW screaming to keep 150-160 kph = 90-100mph and see the BMWs, Mercedes and Porsches ripping past me like nothing I just wish I had the GN over here with the suspension modded. Anybody know of stories of GNs flat out on the autobahn, giving some of the locals a scare?
They arent really top end cars, that would be cool as hell to see one over their though. People on the autobahn average a GN's top end;)
My son, while stationed at Ansbach, rented the biggest BMW available (7xx) and turned it loose on the Autobahn.

He said it would go way over 150mph. He never did tell me how fast it went.

I hear that parts of the Autobahn have speed limits now, is that true?

I heard that the mandatory driver's training there is really far and away better than we are used to....

Be Safe :)
Yes, parts of the autobahn are speed restricted, in fact most of it is. The traffic their is really bad near the big cities. Away from the big cities their is a sign with three diagnal lines that means no more speed restrictions.

A drivers licence their cost around $1,800 and extensive drivers training.

I drove the Autoban in 1999 in a BMW 740. Also drank a lot of beer in Munich for the Octoberfest. (Not on the same day of course). I highly recommend both experiences. The GN would not do well on the Autobahn as it was not engineered for 130+mph travel for 1+ hours at a time. Not to mention the fact that my GN gives me heart palpitations after 120, where as the Beemers in Germany were engineered to perform on the autobahn. In fact, this may be hard to believe, but with the A/C on and some good music playing loud, I would look down at the speedo and see 120mph and not even realize it..Those cars are awesome on the high end, and they just keep giving it to ya'...
Italian race bikes seem to go by like you are standing still, when you are at 100mph...
Yes it is true - All rural sections of the autobahn have speed limits and they also have a california style rush hour traffic in certain areas.
Rumor has it the German cars intended for Germany are a bit more spirited than the US counterparts, and also have a different suspension. I Never confirmed this.:(
Oh, its true, all imported cars tend to have a more spirited forigen counterpart. Why you may ask, safety regulations in the US.
Another nice thing about the Autobahn is that you must drive in the right hand lane. Period, only pass in the left had lane, and you can and will get ticketed for driving in the left hand lane or doing anythign crazy on the autobahn. According to the history channel it is the safest major highway in the world.
It is the safest because in Germany they take thier cars and driving seriously. They don't need arbatrerily posted speed limits to protects crappy drivers.
Driving the autbahn in a BMW or Modified F-body is one of the things on my list to do before I die. Maybe it would be best to take a highly modified Corvette with me designed to run on top end. Hmmmmm, maybe a Turbo Powered LS1 with a 6-speed and a high end gear. Top speed of say 190?????
Driving on the autobahn..

I drive on the autobahn frequently. Yes, it is true that there are sections of autobahn that have speed limits. Usually these limits are about 70mph or so.. depending on why there's a limit. Reasons would include; coming to a major interchange, poor visibility or blind corners, wet roads (bei nasse, when wet), construction, traffic (stau), noise protection, and more that I can't think of at the moment. But there are still good sections where you can run flat out for a long period of time. Spent over an hour at 125mph going to Berlin. You can stay in the left lane as long as your are going fast enough. If somebody comes up behind you and you don't move out of there way, the police can ticket you for "obstruction of traffic".

As for the driver's license (which I'm getting now). There is an extensive training program that makes the American system look like a joke. I'm planning on writing a poll/post in the lounge section shortly about this. $1,800?? That depends on how many lessons you take, if you're an American, it depends on what state you have your driver's license with, etc. For my license, it's going to cost around $250-$350.

Yes, I know GN's aren't top-end machines, but I know we have some smart cookies in here that have done some great tuning to the suspension and brakes to make them at least more comfortable at speed. I've had my GN up to top speed (in the states) once. Yes, it is scary when the air gets underneath. But I just wanted to know if anybody had still made an attempt.

One of these days, I'll rent a BMW or something and make a nice long trip.
Theres an article out there

Quite some time ago there was either a Car Craft or Hot Rod Magazine article of a guy who was building up his GN JUST for the Autobaun! I still have article somewhere here. Time to dig it out.
With bigger wheels, better suspension, minor ground effects and a slightly larger spoiler, and a set of John DiCarlo headlight covers I bet a GN could cruise quite happily at 140mph. I had mine at 130-135 with the T-tops off and it wasnt too bad, but I wouldnt do it for an hour;)
Some kinda "run" in the desert..

Isnt there some kind of 200mph race held every so often on a public highway somewhere in the desert? there was an article featuring a 200mph 86 T-Type. really good read
That was the Silver State Classic in Nevada, the GN holds the record for top speed of 207mph. I dont believe that car competes anymore though
If I remember correctly that same 86 T-Type also got 48 miles per gallon. Turbo off of coarse. Might have been a different article same race though. All the other V-8's were getting 20's at best. Amazing how good the mileage is when you let em breathe.
Nevada Silver State Classical Challenge

Sorry I hadn't replied right away.. took a road trip to Prague, Czech Republic.

I found a short article about that Twin Turbo T-type... It's in GMHTP, March 1999 edition on page 8. The article says it was a Dutt-built twin turbo. It set the record at 207 mph on only a three mile run to top speed. Apperently they were doing construction and had to abbreviate the all out run. So, competitors had only 3 miles before the radar gun clocked them. According to the article, it was still pulling hard at 207 mph. The article didn't REALLY get into details of the mods, except to say it has carbon fiber body panels, upgraded brakes, chassis, tires, wheels, etc. It also appears to have a larger front and rear spoiler.

Glad you mentioned that article.

BTW, doing 160 k/h for that many hours with a VW screaming the whole time... if that doesn't make a headache, NOTHING WILL!
The video from that run was posted on this website, but do not remember what to search for....
I have an 87 and there used to be 2 more of us over here but they went back to the states. I know that that there is a GNX (couldn't find out what number it was) A buddy of mine runs around with a Dark Purple TY and there used to be a Cy here too, but I haven't seen it in a while. I have run mine on the autobahn a few times but a 7series Beamer will hand your a$$ back to you once your past 100. I have found that if you keep off the bahn and stick to the local roads you will find much more joy. Not to many people now what kinda of car it is around here, plus stoplight draggin is what this car is for. Nothing brings a smile to your face faster than seeming the "What the F&*K" look on there face as roll on buy them. One added bonus there are a couple of ricer clubs (German & American)in the area that find out the hard way they picked on the wrong car at that last light :D
Where 'bouts in Germany?

If ya don't mind me asking, where are ya over here?? Have you tried to make any mods for better autobahn running? Yes, our cars don't seem to be the best... but I'm sure it does surprise a lot of people.

Ricer clubs.. are you talkin' about the kids in their Opel's??