Anyone Here Ever Quit Smoking?


Turbo Regal Obsessed
Nov 26, 2001
I was simply wondering if anyone here has ever had any luck quitting smoking. If so do you have any tips? :confused: I have smoked since I was around 16. I am 33 now and smoke about 1.5 packs a day or even a little more sometimes. I realize it will kill me if I do not quit, but so far I have had no luck doing so. The times I have tried I have had headaches, a torn up stomach, flu type symptoms and all sorts of crazy withdrawels. Anyone else went through this? It is really annoying because people also look down on people who smoke these days, I will not smoke in my cars at all so that is an issue as well. I am just ready to throw them down but I don't know if I can make it through the withdrawel or not. :(
i never did smoke but I think I can relate on some level and offer some thoughts.

I used to be an enormously fat bastard (~6 yrs ago) and basically was addicted to food, I think the same principles apply, you need to find a way to change your life so that smoking is no longer a part of it, in my case I got into cycling and being a fat bastard eating fast food etc just wasnt gonna help my larger goals

Id say get into something healthy like running, biking, something like that, something youll enjoy doing enough to feel like smoking is not a part of who you are

I work with alot of compulsive smokers (military) and of the ones Ive seen quit they've all replaced smoking with fitness
You might try the yellow pages for help. There are support groups and hot line numbers to call. Please give quitting a real chance. You are ADDICTED and recovery is hard. Between family and friends I know at least 15 people that are dead or very sick from smoking. The latest friend is one that have a beautiful 79 T/A. He has won the POCI nationals (99.5 point car) and many other trophies. He's got lewkemia.
I smoked 30 a day for 25 years and quit Jan 17/98.

1. Make sure you want to quit.
2. Start changing your smoking pattern. I would have a smoke the first thing after I woke up, changed to 30 minutes later, eventually after my morning shower. Do this for all your smoking routines. Try to wait for that after dinner cig for as long as you can. etc etc
3. No smoking in the car.
4. Have a date in mind, a Saturday is best so you will not be a ass to the people at work, I picked a month down the road and by the time it came along my intake was 5 a day.
5. Before you go to sleep on your last night throw out and break all ashtrays and lighters and have no smokes any place.
6. On D day have a busy day planned, I spent three hrs practising at the driving range and putting green in the AM.

My pain lasted two days and had mild cravings for 2 weeks.
Originally posted by vicious6
I was simply wondering if anyone here has ever had any luck quitting smoking. If so do you have any tips? :confused: I have smoked since I was around 16. I am 33 now and smoke about 1.5 packs a day or even a little more sometimes. I realize it will kill me if I do not quit, but so far I have had no luck doing so. The times I have tried I have had headaches, a torn up stomach, flu type symptoms and all sorts of crazy withdrawels. Anyone else went through this? It is really annoying because people also look down on people who smoke these days, I will not smoke in my cars at all so that is an issue as well. I am just ready to throw them down but I don't know if I can make it through the withdrawel or not. :(

I smoked for years. It took a few false starts, but quit by just stopping. Just tell yourself, they'll kill you, and you know better. Any addiction, and withdrawal will be a PITB.

The trouble I had was once I quit food started to smell so good, it was hard not to eat too much. BUt, that overeating passed in a few months.

Oh, and lots of water. Not coffee, or pop, water, it helps to flush all the built up toxins out. Some might argue, but doing drinking alot of water seemed to help.
I myself started when I was 16 and I'm now 39, I also smoke about 1 1/2 packs a day. I wish more than anything to quit but I'm too frickin weak!!! I wish you a lot of luck because it can be one of the hardest things you can do, but oh so worth it!! Maybe some day I can find the power within me to quit for good!!!

Good luck to you brother, and I hope you make it!! :)
Smoked 2 packs a day for 15 years. I went on the patch for 2 weeks, I have been smoke free for 8 months and feel GREAT. :D
Originally posted by njturbo
Smoked 2 packs a day for 15 years. I went on the patch for 2 weeks, I have been smoke free for 8 months and feel GREAT. :D

Bravo njturbo, keep up the good work! Hopefully some day I could say the same thing. Peace. :)
I started smoking when I was 20....Never more than a pack a day until I was 30.

8-19-01...Was the day my First daughter Kaleigh was born,And the last cigarette I ever smoked..I didnt want to smoke around her.

My decision was a very easy one....I lost my dad (Who was a heavy smoker) to Heart disease When I was 11years old..I want to Be here for my family as long as possible!!!

When you truely want to quit....Its suprising how easy it is...The day my wife and daughter were leaving the Hospital,I threw out the Cigs,Ashtrays,Matches,And lighters...Didnt use and gum or patches,And just decided that I was never going to smoke again.

I had tried twice before to quit,But really didnt want to....(I really enjoyed smoking..:D )That was the worst...Didnt last over a month either time!:mad:

Best of luck to you....YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
Has anyone ever tried hypnosis?
Ive heard it works really well for some people, although it may take a couple of times to get them to stop.
Im glad I never took up smoking, but I have a friend that really wants to quit, and she has thought about hypnosis.
Anyone you know ever quit this way?
Simply forget them...

I too smoked for 30 + years and most all of that time I wanted to quit and tried to quit and nothing worked, the idea of cutting back on smoking, or taking a pill/patch was a waste of time for me.

I owe my Father for my quiting smoking, Dad was a very strong willed man and one day he told me you have to SIMPLY FORGET the cigarettes, repeat, SIMPLY FORGET THEM, and I thought yeah right, now you really have to get inside your mind to get the full meaning of that statement but honestly it's that easy. FORGET cigaretts

Here's the rest of the story, DON'T change anything else while getting off cigaretts i,e if you drink coffee, eat lots of sweets, etc. keep drinking/eating them, because if you try to quit them also then you will be trying to quit more than one habit.

I've been smoke free for 15-20 years, and it's one of the best confidence builders that I've ever experienced in my life.

Don't think of quitting as being hard, easy, or what ever, etc...SIMPLY FORGET THEM.

You can do it...

I smoked when I drank and when I was with friends who smoked it was like just as soon as I had a drink I needed a smoke. My wife told me before we got married that she hated it when I smoked and when I drank and didn't like me when I was doing them so I had to decide if it was going to be smokes and booze or the love of my life. She won I went cold turkey 2 years ago I still think about them both sometimes but when I do I think about my wife and the kids we are going to have and how I would never want them to see me do them.

If you want to stop you will find a reason and think of that reason when you think you need one.

Good luck you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by vicious6

I just had a thought, if you want to see what kind of scars, and hear the stories about a lung tranplant, swing by, and I'll tell ya some (they lose their impact just typing them out). I'll even include some stories about some friends of mine that have died, from respiratory problems. And these were the *lucky* guys, since if you have lung cancer, you can't even get a lung transplant. Just think, if you happen to be cancer prone, you can start choking to death at 40. Granted some folks live to be 80 before they choke to death, or have some cardiac/circulation system that causes them to slowly wane away, in extreme discomfort. And for some the progression sneeks up on them and they get too weak to even commit suicide any other way.

What was that problem you mentioned?, withdrawl?, spend some time in a hospital waiting for a donor, or walk in, and visit with some folks that are end-term, and see what you might have to look forward to. Maybe googling on the internet, you can find some pics of what a smokers lungs look like compared to a healthy lung.

Oh, and BTW, you can lose about 50% of your lung capacity and still do OK. But, when you hit the 49% you'll always get winded, and you always have to stop whatever your doing to catch your breath. Oh, and for some folks there are some migranes (from low O2 levels), that make any of kind of migrane seem like a day in Hawaii. Not to mention when your O2 drops to really low levels you go into involuntary Lizard brain mode, and can want to fight off even meds trying to save your life.

Like I said, swing by, and I got some really *great stories*. Just don't eat for a couple days before dropping by.
As the comedian said, "Quitting smoking is the easiest thing I've ever done. I'll bet I've done it 1,000 times..." (rim shot)

Want my honest advice? SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!! Nicotine is very addictive. Additionally, you are manually and orally fixated - you like your hands and mouth to be occupied with your cigarettes, your lighter, your matches, your ashtray... Your whole life, your social life revolve around smoking.

A doctor can get you straightened out very quickly. Don't BLAME yourself. Why more people don't see there doctor about this ADDICTION is truly a mystery to me. DON'T rely on OTC crap - SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!!

Good luck!

I really appreciate all the help everyone, as well as the support. This is something I know I must do and cannot continue to put off much longer. It really means alot when you have the support of other people that have faith in your ability to quit. By the way thanks Bruce, I completely understand what you are saying. :)
I smoked for almost 40 years before I quit. Unlike many people, I have no "scare" stories or tactics to share. Quit, or don't, it's up to you, other people's smoke(ing) don't bother me a bit...

I decided to quit because I couldn't breathe at night without wheezing like a leaky pressure cooker. And I wasn't about to try it cold turkey. I used crutches, the main one being the Nicotrol inhaler. When I started those, I cut my cigarette usage in half. Then I started smoking the cigarettes in 2 parts; half now, half later. I tried to smoke less cigarettes each day. It took me almost 4 months to get off the cigarettes totally....then I had to get off the inhaler. That took about a month. That was probably harder to get away from than the cigarettes, but it was all mental. So I went to crutch #2:
Little cigars...okay, not a great crutch, but it got me off the inhaler. I just made sure not to inhale the cigar smoke (too strong anyway)

I smoked little cigars for nearly a year, but never at work, only at home... and I just got tired of 'em. Haven't smoked anything for nearly 3 years. I do confess that I get the urge to buy a cigar, but I have NO desire for a cigarette. Which is fine by me!
I started smoking in 8th grade(dumb) but thought it was cool(SO addictive)

Well I quit smoking about 30lbs ago I meant to say 6yrs ago:) :)

If you are a heavy smoker ,quit cold turkey ffo 24hrs ,,then go buy the highest does of the patch ,buy 2 boxes and use the 1st box full strenght when that box is done take the 2nd box and cut all the patches in half,which will be equal to like 11mg for 4 weeks.....

TRUST me need to go cold turkey, after 24hr ,put the patch on ,and you will say Ahhhhhhhh,I feel it....

Most put the patch on while still hyped up on Nicotine and dont think the patch is of luck

Originally posted by vicious6
I really appreciate all the help everyone, as well as the support. This is something I know I must do and cannot continue to put off much longer. It really means alot when you have the support of other people that have faith in your ability to quit. By the way thanks Bruce, I completely understand what you are saying. :)

Well then, all that's left is putting them down, and not picking them up again.
As far as people go that I know that have quit, the highest success rate is for those that just cold turkey'd it. IMO, all the patches and other crutches, are just other addictions. Eventually, you'll have to say, *I just refuse to give into them*.

I'll forgo, the you gotta start loving/respecting yourself to really quit, pep talk. :)

BTW, just think of all the extra money you'll have. Over a year it adds up.

I hope ya make it.
I used to smoke all the time. every chance i got, set there build a little boost and start smoking. got a crappy converter and that cured me! i can't do it if i wanted to.

but seriously, good luck to you, i've never smoked but i've seen how hard it is for some people to quit. best of luck.

and congrats to those of you who have.
I smoked for 20 years, about 1 1/2 packs a day. I quit in 1982, which is 22 years ago. I had tried quitting on my own several times but always started back. This time, I turned it over to the Lord and asked for His help and strength. I quit cold turkey and He helped me through it. It was not easy, but it has been worth it. I would never go back.
They didn't have the stop smoking aids like they do now, so those could help you, too. It all comes down to making up your mind to do it and sticking with it. You will never regret it. I'll be praying for you. :)