Anyone know Mike Lambert??

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This jerk sold me a t72 turbo and when i took the exhaust housing off to clean it up (rust from sitting around)the ptrim wheel was chewed up!!:mad:
Now i need to buy a new turbine wheel and have it re balanced and so on!!
He does not want to do anything what so ever to rectify this!!

Real jerk:mad:

Well you forgot to mention that you inspected it for 20 mins and was satisfied with it and took it. I sent you and others pics of the turbine and it looks fine. There was no noise of any with spinning it. You also forgot to mention here that you took it apart for what ever reason 12 hrs or more later after you got it. Seems like you might have had a bad part laying around you are trying to push here.
49 blues your the biggest loser of life their has ever been!!
And as for Steve Lambert i'm not the only one he has screwed just ask Jack Cotton!!
Steve Lambert you are a moron,if any one wants any pics what so ever feel free to email me and i will send them,no problem!!

The turbine damage was not visable with the turbine housing on and yes the wheel spins freely and looks good from the outside but once the turbine housing was off it is as clear as day that something went through the turbo!!
I took the 4 bolt housing off because #1 it was rusty
#2 i wanted to put my 3 bolt housing on it and thats when i saw the damage!!
49 blues is like an old women,keeps going on and on and on!
We were making a trade my richard lee gate for his kb valve cvrs and "brand new kb boost a pump"
So when i got his stuff the "brand new" boost a pump was clearly used and i sent his crap back to him and got my gate back..

That was about 6 -8 weeks ago and he did'nt lose anything and nor did i!
But he keeps going on and on about it like a drunken old women!!
WOW...this is going to be good it looks like. As for Jack.....I havent screwed him nor have any intentions to do that. Get the whole story of things before you make false claims. You inspected it for 20 mins!!!!! If you are such a turbo guru why did you buy it. You had every bit of control to buying that. You made the choice to buy and now you want to say it was bad after even after you looked at it for at least 20mins in your hands. If I sent this to ya by mail then it would be a different story. YOU HAD IT IN YOUR HANDS!! Now another person has seen the pics and also said that they are 2 different turbo's being shown. Mine and maybe something that you trashed laying around for a snapshot, I dont know. Oh yea....lets not bring others in this till you have all the details,facts and truth with proof. Damn ......this could go on forever. Pictures dont lie!!!!
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