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Anyone Near Central OK That Can Test Alky Pump?


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Looking to Buy
Jun 17, 2010
hey everyone. Finally got my car road worthy after a 3 year rebuilding period and starting to tune it. I have an older razors single nozzle alky kit installed and have been reading lately the importance of testing the pump. I am getting KR @ 16# boost with 91 octane and the alky turned up past factory settings...turn on comes around 5 psi, initial is at 12 o'clock, with the gain knob maxed out at 8-9 o'clock. I am using 100% methanol and the system is spraying.

Doesn't seem like I should be getting KR at that low level of boost with the alky cranked up. I would like to test my pump since its about 10 years old and don't really want to buy the kit. Id drive to someone and pay a fee to use their kit.

This is my first GN as well as the first car ive ever tried to tune and I am learning as I go. Right now I am just doing 3rd gear pulls @ 50mph to get a base line. Any tuning tips using a TT 6.1 are very welcome.

Call Julio and order a new pump. Send in your old one to see if it's worth rebuilding. Even if it's not leaking, it may not be putting out the correct pressure, thus you needing to jack it all up. Once you get the new one in then turn the turn on back to 7psi and turn the gain back to 6 and see what happens.
Just called Julio and after going over my current kit it looks like its waaaaay old and he highly recommended I replace the entire thing outside of the MAP sensor :bigtears:. Devastated right now as the last thing I need is another $500-$600 invested in this car. FINALLY i thought...Finally its time to turn it up and smile a little bit. but this is the story with this car every day and im tired of it. F*cking bogus to own something 4 years and never get an ounce of enjoyment out of it. So mad right now

Until you can save up for a fresh alky kit, how about going with some Boostane to up your octane? Not cheap but less than an alky kit. You could start at the highest octane and slowly lower it until you have knock then go back up. Cal Hartline used it on a dyno test of a members car and it was very successful.
I have plenty of money for a new kit but I have this habit of looking at everything as an investment. And this car has been the absolute worst investment ive ever made. It would be fine to lose money if you got some enjoyment out of it but sadly I have not. I have a race fuel distributor right by my house so I will just start using a mix of 110 and 91 until its good. then I will get some decent time slips and sell it. Hopefully Someone else will benefit from the time and money I've lost.
If you modified it bought a modified car as an investment you invested poorly.

Modified cars don't go up in value. At least not enough to consider them an "investment"
Youre right man. And its not so much that I bought it to make money...I bought it to enjoy and after 4 years of ownership I have yet to enjoy it.

I just watch my dollars out vs dollars in pretty close and this thing is a constant drain of money and even more important...time. With zero benefit.

Trust me man I know its my own fault and I have no one to blame but myself.
I assume you bought this car as a hobby. Its pretty rare to make money with a car as a hobby. I spend on my car knowing I'll never get it all back. Better to throw money at a car than drugs, drinking and whores.
Yea man just one disappointment after the other though for too long. I cant help but to be bummed.

oh well live and learn.
It sounds like your pretty close to it running well. Feed it some higher octane and drive it. If it runs clean and hard you'll feel better!
started mixing 5G 110 with 13G 91 as well as fixed a leak on the inline alky filter. Got it up over 18#. I do feel better, and feel like an a$$ for coming on here and crying about it previously.

That's better, you can now safely go to boost.