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Anyone running a CO2 i/c sprayer?


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Drive like you stole it!
May 25, 2001
I was looking into one of these. Looks like it can make your i/c more effecient and more consitant at the track. I am thinking of making my own kit. I just am wondering what kind of on/off solenoid I need to turn it on? Do I have to go with a NOS solenoid? What pressures are these putting out? I think with a on/off switch and a hobbs switch and an optional bypass so you can spitz it when sitting still would work real good. I think the hardest thing would be to make is the actual tubbing that would mount in front of the i/c. That might take some time drilling a bunch of holes in it. But I gots lots of time. What do you guys think about this?
Well I did some running around today. I think I can make this work. The only thing I'm still waiting on is the on/off solenoid. There is one place doing checks for me. I hope it doesnt cost alot.
I know where to get a hobbs switch cost is $22 and it has a knob. I alos am going to use an ashtray plate to mount the switches. I found a 20 pd aluminum tank for 105 dollars with the first refill free. Then they are $17 after that. They opperate at 800 psi. I can get the braided line from there too and a regulator if needed but I dont think I need it. I can also get a psi gauge to keep a check on the tank pressure. I found some 3/8 straight copper tubbing and I bought some 90 degree fittings. That cost me appox $20 with the silver solder. I have to draw up a plan for a sprayer and custom fit it to my i/c. I think it will work nice and better fit my i/c and have a much larger tank for less then what the kits are selling for.
Good idea using the copper with 90's..pretty easy to use with a propane torch..your done.
AN to compression fittings are available.

Saw some today at NAPA. :)

Should hold a few thousand psi. but you should double check the rated specifications. :cool:
Isnt it cold enough in Wisconsin that you dont even need an intercooler?

Wonder how much pressure would be on those copper sweated joints? I know it would be drilled full of holes so it would probably be OK.
I have a copper piece that has 3/8's pipe thread on it. I have to sweat it to a tee. I am still trying to find a cheaper solenoid. If I can't find one I will have to wait to buy the NOS solenoid. I have to finish my car first before I can spend any money on this project.
Cold enough in Wisconsin? Last week it was 95 here with high humidity. I love when its 20 degrees out and no snow on the ground yet. The car runs really good. The coolder the better.

I also thought of the pressure on the joints. I got some high tensile solder with silver in it. I think they will be ok becuase there will be a dramatic pressure drop. I have been debating to run a smaller 1/4 line from the trunk to the i/c. I think 3/8 would lose some volocity. I am just guessing. I really don't know witch on would work best. The NOS outlet is 1/8 and inlet is 1/4 so whats the point of running larger hose.