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Are you considering a "total Stealth" alky system?


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I think, therefore I am??
May 24, 2001
I am... was hidden for the most part, but still had the SMC nozzles in the up pipe which were pretty obvious. I show my WE4 in stock classes on occasion, and this set up has bugged me since installation.

Anyway, my main reason for writing this is that I had thought of and heard discussions of placing the nozzles in the intercooler outlet neck. Well, that is exactly what I did today! Fair warning if you are considering this: it's a PAIN!

Getting the two holes in where I wanted them (under the neck as close to the core as I could get them) took about 1/2 hour. A die grinder with a ball tip carbide burr tool, a couple of drills, then another thin cone burr tool to "dress" the holes did the trick. That was the EASY part!

So, I clean the core out then I'm sitting there with two big holes in my perfectly good Mark Jackson 17 row IC! Ugh!

Next... install the nozzles. No prob, right? Well, it took me 1 1/2 hours to get the damn things in because I had to reach 6-7" into the neck to tighten the tips! I tried several different approaches then ended up using three different lengths/styles of 7/16 combination wrenches to get it done!

Should be worth it though, as where they are now located, it should be very difficult to spot without having a trained "TR eye"!

Thought I'd share...
Well believe it or not I had the same problem with locating the nozzle in the up-pipe bend. Kinda put it too far up I think. Big pain trying to tighten it.

Once it's done and on the car it's just story time. :)

My next throttle body and plenum should be in the mail soon. :cool:
Isn't that fun when you can move the wrench about a half inch at a time! :mad:

Just drop me a line when you are ready with the TB! :)

Did you take any pictures when you were doing the install, i would really like to see what you did, or even just some pics of it installed or whatever, i just want some pictures, :D Thanks

Hey Jay! Glad to see someone else gave my idea a try! Course I am using a NOS nozzle, drill, tap, tighten and thank you maam! My kit I made is based on Steve Monroe's DIY kit but I never liked the looks of the nozzles going into the up pipe. Check out the pics of my installation.

Hope you are using some sort of solenoid right before the nozzle to prevent any potential siphoning problem.
Hi Mark,

YOUR idea?! :)

Well, after veiwing your pics, mine is just a little different. I'll try to get some pics of the IC over the weekend (it's still out of the WE4 as I'm working on replacing the headers). My lines will be run behind the IC and up right behind the outlet neck. The nozzles are as close to where the neck meets the core as I could get. Should be very hard to spot from above unless you know what you're looking for. ;)

Actually hiding the alky. nozzle is kinda pointless because the guy BEHIND you is gonna smell the denatured in the exhaust. ;)

But at least you will get one race out of them. :D

Very distinctive smell from the 2 or 3 dyno.d cars running it yesterday. Including mine of course. :)
I didn't do it just for the stealth aspect, I just don't like the way it looks plumbed into the up pipe. Besides the I/C neck gives you more metal to tap into and you don't have to use JB weld either. If they are smelling the alky while behind me that is fine with me!
<<If they are smelling the alky while behind me that is fine with me!>>

Ditto! Yeah, I just wanted it to be hidden for car shows and stuff. Probably the same reason I'm working on my WE4's stock wastegate elbow for use with a PTE .85 exhaust housing on it's TA61! I would imagine I'm the only one stupid enough to do this! Had ported the snot out of it previously and made a 1.250" puck for it, but now I have it literally GUTTED and made a 1.400" puck! There is literally NO more "meat" that can be ported on this thing in some areas!
I knew I would get a response, got two :D.


Anyway you don't actually tap the up-pipe for the nozzle it is a tight fit hole and the NPT fitting snugs it down. That is most likely why you use JB weld on it. Just to keep any drops that possibly could get by and out the hole.

I tapped mine which is why it took about two hours to get it on there whilst trying to find the right tools to turn the nozzle through the threads.

The second one I just clearanced the hole tightly and used the JB weld. :)