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ARP head studs


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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2007
Installing ARP Head Studs and wondered if anyone could confirm stud placement location ?
Pictures would be ideal if available.
8 short , 4 medium & 4 long studs.
I understand the 4 medium require doubling up on washers in order to be able to fully tighten as they are a tad long.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks & Stay Safe!
When I put my heads on, I used arp bolts and they were all the same except for 4 long ones... Two long ones went in the middle two bolt holes on the intake side of the head, the rest were all the same length. With studs i believe four short go on the exhaust side, long two middle intake side, and medium two outer intake side. I'm sure someone else that has used studs will chime in;)
Thanks got it figured out and yes you were correct on the ARP Stud locations
4 short studs exhaust side
2 medium length studs outer intake side (opposite ends of block)
2 longest studs middle pair on intake side

Will apply Permatex Ultra Black on threads and install hand tight
I understand it that with steelheads you can but the studs in the block fist and slide the head over but if using aluminum, you need to put the head on the dowel pins then put the studs in place.
I understand it that with steelheads you can but the studs in the block fist and slide the head over but if using aluminum, you need to put the head on the dowel pins then put the studs in place.

Ported Iron 8445 heads going on my build