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August Gateway Buick Performance Enthusiasts Meeting


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Mar 17, 2006
The July meeting of the Gateway Buick Performance Enthusiasts was a little less attended than past meetings due to the storm that enveloped the St. Peters area where it was being held. Hopefully that will not be the case this time, but we are holding it inside just to be sure...

This month's meeting is being held this Sunday, August 9th @ 1:30 at:

The Post Sports Bar and Grill
7372 Manchester
St. Louis, MO 63143

The Post Sports Bar and Grill, St. Louis, MO

Dust off your Buick, get it out on the road, and bring it to the meeting!

See you there!

Members: Note that a lack of submissions for the newsletter has delayed release of a newsletter for this month.

P.S. - Working on a _LEGENDARY_ speaker for September...stay tuned!
Sunday Meeting

I will certainly try to make it this Sunday. Do most attendees bring their Buicks?:D

This is today... So dust off your Buicks and brave the heat.... See you guys there.
The restaurant is on Manchester Road near the intersection of Sutton. There is a public parking lot in the back and parking on the street. There is a Sav-A-Lot store across the street on Manchester but they're not too keen on having people park there if you're not shopping.
Nice turnout.... thanks to everybody who made it out....
heres a pic:biggrin: [post getting kicked off the shop-n-save lot:mad: ]
Nice job with the pics Aaron! Too bad you didn't win the 50/50! :biggrin:

Another great turnout with some new folks!! The club is really taking off!!!

Need to get some more V8 guys to show too.
The TR's look good! I am sorry I missed it. I had to go out of town and did not get back until late Sunday. I would love to join everyone next time. Do you always meet at the same spot?

The TR's look good! I am sorry I missed it. I had to go out of town and did not get back until late Sunday. I would love to join everyone next time. Do you always meet at the same spot?


Nope. it changes every meeting.... keep an eye out for posts/threads or get in contact with KELLER and join the club to get on the mailing list....:)
THANK YOU ! ! :o)

Hey all... just wanted to say thanks for all the info, Im so glad to be part of a great club. Thanks for all the help. ;)
Hey all... just wanted to say thanks for all the info, Im so glad to be part of a great club. Thanks for all the help. ;)

Good to meet you too. Hopefully we helped you understand the scanmaster readings.

Care to write something up about it for the newsletter? With pics? Soon enough to send out before the meeting? :confused:
Care to write something up about it for the newsletter? With pics? Soon enough to send out before the meeting? :confused:

I planned on doing that. I have not had time to start yet. But I will take pictures and try to do a write up for the letter. Hoping the next meeting will be nice weather and I can bring it with me.