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Be nice or pay the price in New Jersey


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Geez, What Will State Governments Do Next? Tell You It's Illegal To Talk On The Phone While In Ur Car? Can you walk and chew gum at the same time? If so, then I'm pretty sure I can talk on the phone and drive. Or Maybe Require You To Where A Seat Belt While Driving..... Imagine That! If someone wants to hurtle themselves thru the windshield while striking an oak tree at 80 mph go right ahead. People die in car accidents because they drive too fast not cause they were on the phone....! Or if someone wants to ride a motorcycle and use their head to file down the pavement why should that be illegal! People have the right to do stupid things on a daily basis that causes this country billions in medical care (Smoking, drinking, etc....). Why do you think the DWI laws are so weak in every state? Because those making the laws get lit-up every week at happy hour and dont want to step on their dic%s with harsh DWI laws.

Politicans Are Starting To Get Carried Away With What should be Against The Law. Rude? Yes, But Illegal To Give Someone The Finger? So if I give someone the finger on the NJTP I may get fined for it. That Just Oversteps The Bounds Of The State.
The Polititans were probably provided with various County Stats of all reports made in Road Rage cases where someone was injured or killed.

I bet a high percentage of those cases most interviewed said it started with the finger.

I see both sides tho..
I bet a high percentage of those cases most interviewed said it started with the finger.
But the reality is road rage doesn't start with someone giving the finger. It starts with some kind of act which provokes the hand gesture. For example, someome gets cut off and the guy who gets cut off flips the bird. Instead of making it illegal to give the finger, they should crack down on the actual traffic violations that provoke road rage to begin with.
But the reality is road rage doesn't start with someone giving the finger. It starts with some kind of act which provokes the hand gesture. For example, someome gets cut off and the guy who gets cut off flips the bird. Instead of making it illegal to give the finger, they should crack down on the actual traffic violations that provoke road rage to begin with.

Couldn't have said it better myself!
Geez, What Will State Governments Do Next? Tell You It's Illegal To Talk On The Phone While In Ur Car?

It is illegal in NJ.

How do you outlaw a hand gesture? Isn't that constitutionally protected?

I really don't think "the finger" is NJ's biggest problem, just a hunch. Their state motto should be "Welcome to New Jersey. F*ck you.":biggrin:
It's the Republic of NJ. Every hear the term "New Federalism"

I have to uphold some of these ass-a-nine laws. Don't get me started. In this state criminals have more protection than the LEOs.

In this state, a LEO needs a search warrant to search garbage that is put out on the curb if it's in a non-see through plastic bag. Reason: People hide their personal effects. If the bag was clear then it can be search warrantless.

I have to stop.

Billy T.
Rumor has it the Dumocrat Gov. of NJ got the finger when he ran over a car in his State Police driven SUV at over double the speed limit.

I guess he didn't like the gesture or the fine he got for not wearing his seat belt. :rolleyes:

I don't believe the finger is protected under freedom of speech, most likely ruled an obscene gesture.

I use an Italian gesture that's not so obviously obscene yet easily understood by most drivers. ;)

I also like to yell out the window a lot. :D
If that's outlawed, we should get some fair substitute. For example, all registered drivers should be given a yearly pool of 4 points that they can issue to other drivers.
1 pt for running a red light, stop sign
.5 pts for parking lot cut-throughs
and so on.
So call some local number and put in their license plate & offense.
So the issuer couldn't given the offending driver more than 1 point (to prevent the ex-girlfriend syndrome), yet if the offender was reported by multiple people and accumulated (say) 3 points, they'd be issued a fine and citation by the DMV.

Speaking on behalf of those in Nevada, I'd empty my pool in about a week with all the crap that goes on here. It's just sick what people get away with.

And while I'm ranting, we should find something equally as fair for the jay walkers of the world. I can't drive anywhere with seeing this. People have become far too lazy and stupid.