Best wax?

If you want a simple answer....

I've been using Auto Armor on my GN for the last 9 years, and my finish is still gleamin'.

Meguiars products (like their swirl remover, etc) are terrific in combination. But if you are just looking for a good wax (and it's difficult to find a wax that works well on this black finish that doesnt streak), then Auto Armor does a fine job, IMO.
Zaino, hands down. Best polish/wax/cleaning car care products I have ever used, period. I will never use a different kind again. Ultimate protection for you car.

NOWET by far the best of all the ones i have used. no streaks no swirls marks to remove it goes on and it comes off easy, also has kaolin clay in it essential for cleaning grime and pullutants from your paint.
Ive. tried lots of different wax and have found Zaino to be the best for black cars. I put it on the buick which has the original factory paint with all it's flaws. With Zaino it now looks like the paint on my 6500 mile WS-6. I love this stuff.

I have used Zymol with greaet success.... however it does require more frequent applications than some of the others.

If your asking about wax, then take your pick of one of the options here. If you want something better than wax, something that lasts months and months, and gets better with every application, doesn't yellow like ALL carnuba wax based products, then you want Zaino. Zaino is not a wax and doesn't have all the problems associated with it.

Zaino all the way!