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BG TTA guys


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Quiky One

Active Member
Dec 31, 2005
How did you guys run? I know several of you went. I wish I could have been there instead of seeing 642 kids names being called for graduation...

There were only about 4 different TA's there that I saw. Never watched any of them run other than Julio. He was running consistant low 10.60's. I'm sure he'll chime in.
10.60's on his temporary motor. I'm telling you he is something. Do you know how Joe ran? Chime in Razor..... :D

Car won the new TAI(Turbo Alcohol Injection) class. JD drove the car and during the two runs allotted for the class it went a 10.57 at 129.xx. And then during the Bracket portion final run was TTA vs TTA.. Joe's car against Mine.. Joe cut a mean lite.. and JD at the very end ran him down with a 10.61 at 132.7.. on a 10.53 dial in.. it was a picture perfect finish..

So the TTA's did well in the class.. and Joe was racing his all week long.. must of had a bazillion runs on the car. I beleive he ran mid 11's.. I'll let him chime in.
No problem. Had a pretty good time even with the light turn out this year.
Very cool to see two tta's on the final. Why didn't you drive Razor? Joe where are you?!?!?!?!?!?! Also did your dad finally turn a 10.xx?

Jason :D
I had to run the class. I didnt want that to get in the way. Ended up I had to kick/beg/scream to get them to let us run. There would have been no way it would of worked me driving.

I didnt do it.. JD did.. I just provided him with a tool. He made use of it.
Gotcha. I didn't know you were director. That temp motor is going to catch up with your other motor without nitrous. Amazing. Was there a boost limit you could run in the class?

Thanks Jason
Already surpassed it. Scary..

Here's a shot.. was beating on the car all week long.


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Thats great. Did you drive it there or trailer it there? I bet JD had a great time beating on your car. I would of!!!

I ran my car every day trying to sort out the new combo that only had 6 passes on it prior to BG. By the weeks end the car was running just a fuzz under 116 mph and had a best ET of 11.71. The car was running out of fuel on the big end so the boost was turned down and the timing set lower than usual. I was happy for the most part considering all of this was acomplished with stock injectors, TE44, 200-200 cam, and a pump/meth state of tune. I have a set of 60's on the way (don't forget about me Shandy) which should give me all the fuel the motor can use and will hopefully bring the trap speeds up to 120 mph when tuned. I was lucky to have my buddy Eric Marshall there with me to assist my pop and I with our chips and tuning... Unfortunately my pop didn't get his 10 second slip this year...I thought we would but the planets didn't align as needed. For some strange reason he could not get his car to run up to 120 mph where it usually runs??? He did however go into the finals for Bracket 2 and lost on a red light while trying to chop a tree. On the pass prior he knocked off a .008 light which was unreal, and all week long he was killing the tree!!! I'm beginning to think his motor is getting tired. This motor has been running in the 11 teens at 120+ mph for 4 seasons now without a hitch! We have plans for a new motor this fall...I don't know who is more excited about or him....should be pretty bad azz. Anyhow, we all had a great time and enjoyed seeing everone while breaking bread with them. As usual Papa John Wanner cooked up some mean food and we consumed mass quantities of beer...time to get back into the gym :frown:
Sounds like you had a better time this year than last. I didn't know your Dad's motor had 4 seasons on it. Impressive. Glad you had a good time!

Razor said:
I had to run the class. I didnt want that to get in the way. Ended up I had to kick/beg/scream to get them to let us run. There would have been no way it would of worked me driving.

I didnt do it.. JD did.. I just provided him with a tool. He made use of it.

Julio I can't say thank you ENOUGH!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

It was my pleasure to drive your car IT IS AN AWESOME PEICE OF MACHINERY!!

I would be honored to drive for you ANYTIME you need me to!!!!!!

You are the tuning GURU for these cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn, I was there and could have drove your car Julio! hehe
JD you lucky dog!
I was wondering why I saw Julio standing at the sidelines when his car was up.
Congrats on the great times and the consistancy too!

I saw all you guys run and got a chance to talk to Julio to boot.

Had I had a trans capable of a non flairing 2-3 shift I woulda been there with u guys lol

Was nice watching Julios car luanch, I just watched the front wheels if I wasnt close enough to ID the car
