BLM Cell parameters



What are they? 0 is idle & 15 is WOT, but what about the others?

I did a search and all I found was one for the new(er) LT1s:

0: 0 map: 0 - 30, rpm: 0 - 900
1: 0 map: 0 - 30, rpm: 900 - 1200
2: 0 map: 0 - 30, rpm: 1200 - 2000
3: 0 map: 0 - 30, rpm: 2000 - 7000
4: 0 map: 30 - 50, rpm: 0 - 900
5: 0 map: 30 - 50, rpm: 900 - 1200
6: 0 map: 30 - 50, rpm: 1200 - 2000
7: 0 map: 30 - 50, rpm: 2000 - 7000
8: 0 map: 50 - 80, rpm: 0 - 900
9: 0 map: 50 - 80, rpm: 900 - 1200
10: 0 map: 50 - 80, rpm: 1200 - 2000
11: 0 map: 50 - 80, rpm: 2000 - 7000
12: 0 map: 80 - 104, rpm: 0 - 900
13: 0 map: 80 - 104, rpm: 900 - 1200
14: 0 map: 80 - 104, rpm: 1200 - 2000
15: 0 map: 80 - 104, rpm: 2000 - 7000
16: 0 map: -1.#IND - -1.#IND, rpm: 0 - 0

BTW, wassup with there being a #16??
Click on the link in my sig to my photo gallery. Then click on the Grand National pictures. In there you will see a scanned image of the BLM cell numbers and what the boundries are.
Basically they're offset horizontally by rpm and vertically by MAF flow.
Excellent! Exactly what I was looking for!! Thanks TD.


p.s.: Wisconsin... yikes! (Beauty of a place, BTW.) I've obviously been off this BB way too long! When did this come about? And how am I to buy you that beer I said I'd get you the day we finally meet?? (Folks, Dave was one of my first inspirations to not give up when I first started working on these cars and to learn about them. I'm indebted to him, hence, a cold one on a hot day is the least I can do.)
Originally posted by Dean
Excellent! Exactly what I was looking for!! Thanks TD.


p.s.: Wisconsin... yikes! (Beauty of a place, BTW.) I've obviously been off this BB way too long! When did this come about? And how am I to buy you that beer I said I'd get you the day we finally meet?? (Folks, Dave was one of my first inspirations to not give up when I first started working on these cars and to learn about them. I'm indebted to him, hence, a cold one on a hot day is the least I can do.)

Howdy Dean. Sorry about skipping out of the state. The economic picture in the cell phone industry took a dump, got layed off, so decided it was a good time to come back to my roots here in WI. Check out the picture link in my sig. Some pictures in there of our new place out here. :D
Yep, saw the pics... you probably sold your SD place & bought this one with 10s of thousands of $$ left over to boot! We'll hook up some day, somewhere.

Take care,

Originally posted by Dean
Yep, saw the pics... you probably sold your SD place & bought this one with 10s of thousands of $$ left over to boot!
Take care,


Ya right ;) I wish :(

But I can say that other than the mortgage, I am now happilly, debt free :D
Hey Dean :)

Did you receive your GS Nationals program?

But I can say that other than the mortgage, I am now happilly, debt free

Oh yes....the only way to fly. I hate fixed monthly payments for anything except the house.

People seem to forget, the game is assets...not liabilities :)