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Blowoff valve?


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Young William
Jan 8, 2002
What is the best blowoff valve to have? And whats the best spot to mount it? I've seen on the intercooler or in the middle of the up pipe to the throttle body. I'm going to hook my mass air meter in front of the throttle body so would this be a problem with the mass air meter and blow off valve so close togther?
If I were to get a BOV, I would mount it on the up-pipe... after the curve in it, so it would be right above the intake dryer hose. Mount it on the side of that pipe pointing to the driver's side of the car, then route the air back into the intake after the MAF sensor.
But I'm not sure what you're talkin' about, as far as relocating the MAF sensor.
By putting the bov before the relocated MAF you will be blowing un-metered air, which is a good thing.

By routing the bov output back into the compressor inlet side you will help keep the turbo spinning when just getting off the gas for a short time before getting back on it. Of course then it technically becomes a by-pass valve.

There may be some small gain by putting the valve as close to the throttle body as possible, but I would think that anywhere from the outlet side of the intercooler tank to just before the relocated MAF will do nicely.

Hey cameron...

I think a BOV is a great idea, which is best? who knows...when you find out let me know....BUT you should vent it back into the intake AFTER the maf sensor (avoid a rich condition, don't want to measure the air twice). If you relocate the MAF to the throttle body (good idea also) it's going to be tough unless you vent it right into the intake upper plenum. I've seen them mounted on the intercooler, the up pipe etc...really, I'd have to say anywhere after the turbo (pressure side) should work. Basically the pressure would have to build between the throttle blade and turbo overall before the BOV would open so I don't see where it would matter. All in all, I'd put it in the up pipe, then if you ever wanted to ditch the BOV, an up pipe is a hella lot cheaper than an IC.
Blow off

hey if your looking for a blow off valve ive got a new unused vortech blow off with a #12 line on it to remote mount it . looking for $150 for it , its around 240 new w/o line . Mail me if interested .
Originally posted by zam70

If you relocate the MAF to the throttle body (good idea also) it's going to be tough unless you vent it right into the intake upper plenum.

No, in this case a BYPASS valve would have to be before the MAF and would be exhausting unmeasured air. If you don't route the air before the turbo it does not relieve the pressure. A BLOWOFF valve could be either before or after the MAF, but as I previously stated, having it before the MAF provides the benefit of exhausting unmeasured air.

Typically BLOWOFF valves in TRs do exhaust metered air and cause a momentary rich condition that is OK if you don't get right back in the throttle.

I use the HKS SSQV got it from with flange for about 220....if anyone has this one, did you adjust the screw or did you leave it how it came...
I use the Greddy Type-R<-- ooooooooh. I have heard that the hks leaks after 20 psi, then you need two or something like that, i am not sure. I was going to get a Tial, which i know are bad ass, i would recommend them. Type R isnt supposed to leak under 30 psi. I may be talking out of my ass, don't trust me, do your own research.
Originally posted by tminer

No, in this case a BYPASS valve would have to be before the MAF and would be exhausting unmeasured air. If you don't route the air before the turbo it does not relieve the pressure. A BLOWOFF valve could be either before or after the MAF, but as I previously stated, having it before the MAF provides the benefit of exhausting unmeasured air.

Typically BLOWOFF valves in TRs do exhaust metered air and cause a momentary rich condition that is OK if you don't get right back in the throttle.


YOU ARE CORRECT SIR>>>>don't know what I was thinking.
Well I was thinking about mounting the blow off valve at the bend of the up pipe and about another 3-5 inches install a 3.5 lt1 mass air meter. I'm going to have a translater with maxeffort for tuning. I'm also thinging about mounting my air inlet temperture sensor also up near the throttle body. Has anybody done this yet.
What do u guys thing about Tial blow off valves?
Like i said a few posts up, Tial is the shizznit. You can get an awesome one for just under 300 and it is well worth it.
Tial BOV

This is a link to Suprastore, they sell them for 280.00 You can also browse other import stores for lower prices, but you definately can't go wrong with this BOV.

I posted a thread at the supra forum on this a good while back and the Tial unit and the HKS SSQV both came up equally recommended and as I recall no one had any major complaints about either. And I specifically asked about running 25+ psi with both...

I'm still not decided on whether this is a necessary precaution. It certainly makes theoretical sense to keep the compressor from getting blasted, but then you see other posts with folks from PTE (I believe) saying that they believe they're not necessary and they haven't seen bearing or compressor wheel failures from this. Anybody have any new news?

Ended up not buying either due to a lack of time to fool with it...
I am not saying that PTE is lying, but they are a business out to make money. And their main product is turbos. Don't BOVs prolong the life of the turbo? This is all i am going to say, you can figure the rest out from here. I am very much not trying to argue with what PTE said, because they know what they are talking about and i sure as poo don't. I use a Greddy Type-R, it has about 9 miles on it, i had to rebuild the motor right after i put it on, if someone is interested in buying it i am interested in selling it. There are many supra guys with T-66 singles running this BOV and have no problems, so i know it works. If i sell this BOV, i am getting a Tial. So i would have to say that you get a Tial, or buy mine. Mine works great, but for some weird reason i like to spend more money than is necessary to accomplish my goal, and i like to know that i have the best.

Greddy Type-R BOV for sale. 175.00 shipped. I don't have the instructions but i am sure you can find them on the net, you will also need some hose and a "y" joint to tap it into a boost or vac. line.


Do you need a popoff valve for a TA49 and what is a BOV ?

galoush if you still have the vortech valve e-mail me and we will talk .