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BMW 3 Series learns a lesson


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New Member
Aug 29, 2002
Last night while leaving my mom's place on the other side of Syracuse, I set the cruise to 70 heading east on 690. Very little traffic and a nice cool night of about 40. I cruise casually by a group of cars entering from 81 south. I keep checking my rear since this is the 55 portion of 690 and I was to lazy to try and stop and reset my tempramental cruise, when I noticed some headlights coming up at me. I moved over in case it was a cop, but this car stayed in the passing lane so I'm now thinking no cop, Dinner:cool: So I keep watching and just as he gets on my 9 O'clock I make the ID as a late model 3 series. Now I'm still doing 70 and he is cruising by like I'm riding a bike. The road is clear for the next mile except for 2 other cars, one being a Saab, I noticed since it was very close to being mine, but anyhow. Just as I see the back end I punch it spool instantly and now found myself matching his speed. Black Bimmer with tints, I couldnt tell if he was a bit suprised. I then proceded to lay some high end distance on him, only relenting for the 481 north exit which he took and I continued to go south. I'm fairly certain this was NOT an M car. But I'm glad to have surprised him with "Some ratty old Chevey" as Im sure he was thinking about my GN. Needless to say I didnt let him pass me after I hit it.;)
So did this guy even race or was he just cruising with his cruise control on? Sounds like you were the only one involved. Doesn't it take two cars to race :confused:

Well, its possible it was just me. Most likely actually. But it was still fun. I didnt have any good races this year as the car didn't finally get put on the road till mid Aug. But by the looks of his car I'm guessing he felt pretty invincible and needed a bit of humility.
:)What's the difference between a beemer and a porcupine? A beemer has the pricks on the inside. :p

My all time favorite encounters are with the big money folks. They dont expect anything but junk when they see our cars and they dont like losing.
I had a race with a Bimmer recently. I pulled him hard from the light, then slowed down to the speed limit (55). He attempted the standard "ricer flyby." I waited until he was up next to me and punched it. Pulled him hard again until we came to a fairly tight corner (OK at 65-70, pretty damn tight at 100+). I absolutely had to put on the brakes, and even so, the car plowed like an Iowa farmboy, and screeched the tires all the way around the corner. The BMW zipped past like he was on rails. I guess I need to upgrade the suspension. Ah well.