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Brand New SMC Kit, No Spray On Light?


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Keepin' The Shiny Side Up
Dec 30, 2001
Just installed SMC dual nozzle kit on my dads spray light at all. Turn on point is all the way down, and pump speed is all the way up? Help! Its kinda hard to tune in when I dont know when the alky is coming on! Thanks!
I think the problem may be that you have the spray on point all the way down. I don't think the kit is designed to spray under 5lbs of boost, but then again I didn't design it. ;)

Turn the spray-on point higher and don't forget that knob goes round and round. It doesn't stop where it says high and low... That may also be your problem. It may be set too high and you turned it to low, but the knob will keep turning if you try it. On mine one full turn = ~ 5lbs of boost. Try that and let us know what happens.

Ive tried all positions on the spray on/pump speed. Doesnt matter if spray on is all the way down, or up, no light. And no I havent twisted the knobs past the stickers numbers 1-10. Thanks
Does the light come on with the test spray button and can you feel the alky. bog the car at idle with the test button?
1-10 is for the pump speed the knob won't twist past those.

What I was talking about was the spray on point knob. It goes round and round.
Test button works, car bogs, pressure goes up. However, no light. So it is spraying, problem is I have no idea when its coming on.
Okay, did some "tweaking" tonight over at Eric "Tweak" Marshalls house. Also, verfied a few things. 1. When I hit the test button, the pressure on the gauge goes to 45-50ish psi. 2. Spray on light still does not come on, even though it is ALL the way down. 3. Pump speed is up around 8-9, in other words really high.

A little background, the car has a PT-51 or 52, 009s, big neck stock IC, 210/205 cam, 3000 stall converter, THDP, etc etc. Before the alky kit, it ran really well, 16psi and a street chip, the car went 13.200 at 107mph on pump gas and 17psi/xylene. So it runs pretty well.

Now, we drove around with the labtop in it tonight, and it just knocks like crazy on initial spool-up. It doesnt matter if you stab it, or lay into it slowly, it knocks bad. Which means, 1, the alky isnt coming on soon enough, or 2, the pressure isnt high enough. Tweak added some fuel in the 3600rpm range and it didnt help much. He knocked the timing down from 22ish to 18ish, (dont remember exactly), and that helped some, only got 5-7 degrees vs the 12-20 before. :eek: You would think that with a dual nozzle system, with the pump speed all the way up, and the spray on point all the way down, that the thing would nose over from too much alky. I dont know, I think something is wrong with the kit???? It is installed correctly, and I made sure EVERYTHING was right. I went to the effort of wire looming all the wires and such, and running them nice and factory looking, nice connectors on the control box, etc. All the lines are sealed up good, etc. Im wondering if the pump is leaking internally or something? I had a full bottle when I went to Erics, and after Id say, 5-6 3rd gear punches, it moved down like an inch, or approx, hell I dont know, 1/8th of a bottle. That doesnt seem right to me. I thought you could only get 10-12 passes out of it? I need your thoughts. For now, Im gonna unhook the system and put the regular street chip back in. Thanks as always..........
Oh yeah, on the way over, the boost was at 19psi, I turned it up to 21psi once we started messing around. The car should be able to run 22+ psi with the alky???????????????
are you sure the alky is actually coming on. i had the same problem with the light and the alky wasnt coming on. there is a little sdrew on the pressure switch, you know, the one with the gauge on it. you could try loosening that a bit. if that dont work, call steve.:D
Yes its spraying, you can smell much?......who knows
The pressure switch the output of the pump when it reaches a certain pressure closes and cuases the lamp to fire on the controller. If it doesnt reach that pressure, it wont close and trigger the lamp.

If the turnon point is set too high, it will also knock until the alky catches up. By the looks of your cars performance you'll probably be at pump speed 10 on the controller and make it turnon at 10 PSI..

You can test the output of the pump using a gasoline pressure guage 'tee'd' into the pressure line.

If all else fails, contact Steve at SMC. yes you can run 21 PSI or even higher on alky, but not if the system isnt working properly.
If you're knocking initially, then I'd turn the spray on point down. Don't worry about the light right yet, just get rid of the knock.

For the light itself, this was an easy fix for me (after bothering people here). First off, check the under-hood ground. I grounded it to an old AC pipe (my AC's removed) and needless to say the ground was bad. Kit would spray, "on" light would work (since my in-car ground was good) but the spray on light wouldn't work. Try lengthening that ground wire and screwing it to a good chunk of chassis. That was my problem.

If that doesn't work, and you're sure your ground is good, there's a small allen screw under the pressure gauge. This tells the light to go off when you reach "X" psi. It's possible that this is too tight for the light to trigger. Back it out a turn or so. Then check it. My light comes on at like 35psi of pump pressure now. Just don't back it out too much, or else the light won't go OFF once it comes on. (See bishir's post). Yes, I had that problem too :cool:

Good luck! If the car's bogging, at idle, the alky is def. sprayin'!
spray on lite


1st question- what version kit do you have? Did you buy from SMC & when?

Does it have a pressure guage?

If so then you can easilt test operation by having someone hit the test button (with engine ON) while you watch the pressure guage. Depending on the model you have it will be between 60 and 100 psi with pump speed on "10" If not, you have a pump problem. The pressure switch is set to close at approx 35 psi. There is an adjustment allen screw on the bottom of the switch that can be turned CCW for a lower pressure switch close.

Be sure that the wires are connected properly- the switches come with 3 terminals- but we normally snap off the "NC" tab. If you see 2 wires connected directly on top of each other it is wrong. One wire goes to a terminal on the side, and one wire goes to a terminal on the bottom of the switch. If you use a jumper wire accross these 2 terminals, the lite should lite. If it doesn't you have a wiring or lamp problem. If it does, the problem is in the pressure switch. Be sure you hooked up the ground wire from the switch to a good underhood ground.
Originally posted by Weazel
If you're knocking initially, then I'd turn the spray on point down. Don't worry about the light right yet, just get rid of the knock.

Read above, the spray on point is all the way down, and the pump speed is all the way up. I get 45-50psi with the test button, and no light like before. I think its something to do with the pumps pressure.

Steve, its brand new, new bottle, dual nozzle. My dad bought it from SMC oh, about a month or more ago. I dont remember, things have been pretty busy lately. Its on my dads car, not mine, therefore with my busy schedule, I have not really been able to mess with it for the past few weeks. Yes it has a pressure gauge, and it is around 40-50, not 60-100 with the test button. The control box and bottle are both wired correctly, with a good ground.......and I can make the spray on light uliminate by pressing the switch manually on the bottle. So its not a control box problem. I just think the pump isnt putting out the pressure it should, therefore no light, and lotsa knock. Im off Friday, when is a good time to call you? Thanks
Call me Thursday- I'll send a new tank/pump assembly out tomorrow, but I need a last name/address.
Steve, just wondering what the status I need to call you? If so, please let me know, thank you!